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  • DO:Oslo

    Last year it was Vienna, Austria...

    This year, nearly on the same dates and on whatever scale, small or large, we are hoping whoever is keen for a meet & greet will come along to...

    Yes, OSL = OSLO !

    Necessary Information:

    What?: It's a DO! Like this one. (hopefully with sufficient people, otherwise it will be downgraded to a Meet!)

    Where?: Oslo is the capital and largest city in Norway. Oslo is the cultural, scientific, economic and governmental centre of Norway. For more info about Oslo, click here.

    When?: Tuesday (22nd pre-DO), Wednesday (23rd - the *actual* DO) to Thursday the 24th of September 2009.

    How?: There are many ways to get to OSL, some more interesting than others. SK (Scandinavian) flies from most of Europe to OSL. Up to 6 or 7 flights ex LHR also. Interestingly, TG just announced that they are starting BKK-OSL by June this year also.

    Why?: Uniquely Scandinavian location, colourful history (what's better than Vikings, really?) and relative ease to get connections to. There'll be plenty to see and do and autumn temperatures should mean the weather will be cold but bearable (10 degrees Celcius is the average for September, 5 degrees Celcius for October). I hear September is also great for seeing the Aurora Borealis (aka, the Northern Lights). Not sure if you can see this from Oslo, but here's hoping!

    And lastly, because it's different from that other popular destination of late (wonder why?).

    Who?: Flo, our gracious VIE-DO host last year, has generously offered his kind help to assist in the preparation as he's actually been to Oslo. More info will be gathered about the exact venues etc, closer to the date. Kyo <-forgot to add myself. Me, of course...

    Hoping to see you all there with a plate of Lutefisk and some Gravlax! (you can drink that down with Carlsberg-Ringnes and Hansa-Borg or lovely Scandinavian water)

    More funky promo graphics / pictures later! (to come, food, sights etc)
    Last edited by Kyo; 19 April 2009, 03:46 PM.

  • #2
    Who's Coming?

    Co-hosts (if there's anyone actually living in Oslo, feel free to jump in):
    -Kyo (me) flying in on SK806 via LHR-OSL, arrival 16:20PM on the 22nd of September (Tuesday)

    I'm interested and I'll try to be there, sign me up!

    I wish I could make it, but I'm just not sure yet, put me down as a tentative...
    Last edited by Kyo; 21 July 2009, 12:37 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Kyo View Post
      you can drink that down with Carlsberg-Ringnes and Hansa-Borg
      Given alcohol prices in Norway, I think sip may be a better word.


      • #4
        sounds interesting.... erm... put me down as a maybe?


        • #5
          Defo can't make this one, too close to assignment due dates for comfort.

          Have fun!
          All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jhm View Post
            Given alcohol prices in Norway, I think sip may be a better word.
            Possibly! Will we have to bring it all in duty free, then? At very least the limited quantity of alcohol consumption shall lead to a nice, civilised chin-wag.


            • #7
              Put me down as a maybe, please.


              • #8
                The mid-week timing makes it unlikely I can attend, but staying on the optimistic side, I'll place myself in the 'maybe' category.
                ‘Lean into the sharp points’


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jjpb3 View Post
                  The mid-week timing makes it unlikely I can attend, but staying on the optimistic side, I'll place myself in the 'maybe' category.
                  Same here - any chance of moving it to the weekend?


                  • #10
                    Apparently TG is starting BKK-Oslo in June. Something to think about?!
                    My SQ and flying Videos: Youtube My Travel Blog:


                    • #11
                      Savage25: Done, and hope to meet you again!

                      jjpb3 and Lobster: If it's workable for whoever else wants to join, we can shift the main event to the Monday night until Tuesday morning to merge into the previous weekend. There is a *tiny* (really tiny) chance that I may be able to arrive a day earlier, however this is very much unconfirmable until the weekend preceding (i.e. Sunday the 20th Sept). Of course, my currently confirmed 16:20PM arrival may be subject to delays etc, but nobody can predict that and if everyone can come in earlier, we could make it a Monday evening affair and those who need to could fly off after that (maybe even arrive back in the office by Tuesday - maybe a little tired out, though! )

                      The way I saw it, it'd be similar to the VIE DO, but in reverse - with attendees flying off on Wednesday (or even Tues PM), instead of into the weekend. But yes, I have checked all the schedules and worse luck, there's only one itinerary where all the planets align and OSL became workable this end. No problems if flo wants to fly up earlier for the weekend for anyone who finds that more convenient.

                      I do hope to meet you again too.

                      sqdazz: Yep, I did notice (it's in the first post) - so that might help some Asian/antipodean attendees. (presumably TG would use the newer aircraft that can manage that distance too)


                      • #12
                        Maybe for me. But I would definitely have voted for an annual rotation of continents...


                        • #13
                          I can do the 21st, 22nd or 23rd (that's if i come )


                          • #14
                            sorry guys, will be in bali and singapore on vacation at that time.


                            • #15
                              lol i dont recall too much of oslo except that people were really helpful and spoke good english
                              Home is where your heart is.

