Next, we headed to the Swallow Grotto trail...
In this part of the gorge, helmets were mandatory as rockfalls were common...
More stunning scenery...
The natural marble cliff faces looked stunning, with white and black striations
Some sections of the river had grey muddy water that day on account of the weather and sediment.
It would be weeks before the water turned clear again...
We crossed a narrow suspension bridge...
8 seemed to be a very small maximum capacity for the bridge...
...but anyone who took a few steps on the bridge would understand why: this bridge swayed a LOT!
In this part of the gorge, helmets were mandatory as rockfalls were common...
More stunning scenery...
The natural marble cliff faces looked stunning, with white and black striations
Some sections of the river had grey muddy water that day on account of the weather and sediment.
It would be weeks before the water turned clear again...
We crossed a narrow suspension bridge...
8 seemed to be a very small maximum capacity for the bridge...
...but anyone who took a few steps on the bridge would understand why: this bridge swayed a LOT!