The Krisworld IFE selection was huge.
Audio and video quality were top notch.
Apart from new releases, there were great movies to watch in the Awards Showcase section...
...not to mention a separate Star Wars section...
...with only the episodes worth watching listed i.e. Episodes IV, V, VI, as well as VII, VIII. No need to waste Krisworld video server memory for Episodes I,II,III
I also like the fact that SQ usually features programmes and concerts by the Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO), and this month was no exception...
Audio and video quality were top notch.
Apart from new releases, there were great movies to watch in the Awards Showcase section...
...not to mention a separate Star Wars section...
...with only the episodes worth watching listed i.e. Episodes IV, V, VI, as well as VII, VIII. No need to waste Krisworld video server memory for Episodes I,II,III
I also like the fact that SQ usually features programmes and concerts by the Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO), and this month was no exception...