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From Zero To PPS In 12 Weeks - Some Thoughts

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  • #16
    Originally posted by zvezda View Post
    SQ will not keep the 747-400s. They will all be gone in three years. There is a small chance that SQ might buy some 747-8Is -- especially if they choose the 747-8F rather than the 777F to replace their 747-400Fs.

    Yes, moving to PPS Value was a good move.

    Cabin crew do not know one's seniority within QPP or TPP status. They see one star on the manifest for QPP and two stars for TPP/LPP. They don't have access to Current PPS Value and have no way to distinguish a QPP1 from a QPP20 except by having the captain send an ACARS message asking HQ, which I don't believe would ever happen.
    hi zvezda, i was wondering why you think moving to pps value was a good move, despite the fact that they don't have access to current pps value? it seems like you are left right back at the same dilemma, where they couldn't differentiate between qpp1 and qpp20. also, wouldn't it be impossible for them to have a qpp10, let alone 20?


    • #17
      Originally posted by zvezda View Post
      ... and two stars for TPP/LPP.
      They definitely are able to differentiate LPPs from the rest of TPPs.


      • #18
        Originally posted by StarG View Post
        They definitely are able to differentiate LPPs from the rest of TPPs.
        Three *** for LPP
        Two ** for TPP
        One * for QPP

        and !$#!&*! for the rest of us plebs


        • #19
          Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post
          Three *** for LPP
          Two ** for TPP
          One * for QPP

          and !$#!&*! for the rest of us plebs
          Many years back, a Chief Steward showed me the manifest when I asked to see how they idenfied PPS. At that time (when eligibility was still by sectors), the list would show "Mr xxx xxx xxx PP(S) - 3" . The 3 indicating the number of years as PPS. Behind the manifest will be a list of all the PPS and their personal details like where you work, your hobby, etc. Not sure if this is still the case or replaced by "stars"


          • #20
            Originally posted by SQuak View Post
            Many years back, a Chief Steward showed me the manifest when I asked to see how they idenfied PPS. At that time (when eligibility was still by sectors), the list would show "Mr xxx xxx xxx PP(S) - 3" . The 3 indicating the number of years as PPS. Behind the manifest will be a list of all the PPS and their personal details like where you work, your hobby, etc. Not sure if this is still the case or replaced by "stars"
            Are they taking this info from what you disclose or is cabin crew updating details based on conversations on board?


            • #21
              As far I know it is based on what you disclosed.


              • #22
                Originally posted by StarG View Post
                As far I know it is based on what you disclosed.
                Yes, as disclosed in the application form. On board, the FA in charge of the respective section will then identify the PPS/TPP/Life and write it out on a sheet of paper and pin it somewhere in the galley with asterisk mark and seat numbers. The respective FA serving that section would also be alerted. For those conscientious ones, they will greet the PPS and take their orders first but for those not-so-conscientious ones, nothing will happen


                • #23
                  Originally posted by taipeiflyer View Post
                  hi zvezda, i was wondering why you think moving to pps value was a good move, despite the fact that they don't have access to current pps value? it seems like you are left right back at the same dilemma, where they couldn't differentiate between qpp1 and qpp20. also, wouldn't it be impossible for them to have a qpp10, let alone 20?
                  The move to PPS Value was good because it more accurately measures a customer's value to SQ. Under the old rules, QPP12 was possible (though not plausible). QPP10 was plausible and probably a few existed. Under the new rules, QPP20 is possible.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SQuak View Post
                    Yes, as disclosed in the application form. On board, the FA in charge of the respective section will then identify the PPS/TPP/Life and write it out on a sheet of paper and pin it somewhere in the galley with asterisk mark and seat numbers. The respective FA serving that section would also be alerted. For those conscientious ones, they will greet the PPS and take their orders first but for those not-so-conscientious ones, nothing will happen
                    This recognition of status seems a bit random and quite unlike SQ.

                    On a major airline in another alliance , I understand that the IFS equivalent on longhaul flights gets sent briefing notes on VIPs and high status pax (equivalent of TPP) with the notes saying something like "Please seek out passenger X FFP number. This passenger is very important to the airline ... <lists recent CS contacts / issues>.". So the cabin crew member concerned can make sure that, e.g., the AVOD is working properly on this flight etc.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by jhm View Post
                      This recognition of status seems a bit random and quite unlike SQ.

                      On a major airline in another alliance , I understand that the IFS equivalent on longhaul flights gets sent briefing notes on VIPs and high status pax (equivalent of TPP) with the notes saying something like "Please seek out passenger X FFP number. This passenger is very important to the airline ... <lists recent CS contacts / issues>.". So the cabin crew member concerned can make sure that, e.g., the AVOD is working properly on this flight etc.
                      I think SQ has similar procedures (especially for the greetings). But when you have the crew who decided to do differently, what can you say?


                      • #26
                        There are a number of airlines that operate that way. It can be surprising what things FAs may bring up that they know about recent incidents/issues you've had.

