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Are drinks free on SQ?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Danny Bhoy View Post
    Lemme guess... American right?
    I can understand your guess.

    I was on a flight within the US (on USAir) a few years ago and we were required to pay for water - yes, water. I did not have correct "change" so I sat thirsty for 2 hours.

    That is beyond ridiculous! I believe they've changed their policy now.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Benjamin View Post
      I travelled Business, so it might be different, but not only are the drinks free - the glasses are never empty for more than 30-seconds. I couldn't believe it, the little hosties were making me drunk (I was always happy to oblige to, yet, another red when asked!).

      I've never even had service like this in restaurants where it costs $200 to just sit down for a meal... my God: I want to fly Singapore again just to experience the service... and I hate flying!!

      You're kidding.
      30 seconds? Not even in F.
      I would wager their F meals cost much less than $200. As for restaurant quality, well - it's reheated, so............?


      • #18
        Originally posted by singaporeairlinesboi View Post
        if memory serves me right, SQ was the first airline to offer free drinks i.e Alcohol and soft drinks.
        Originally posted by singaporeairlinesboi View Post
        um actually i was right, i just went back to re-read "Flying High in a Competitive Industry: Cost-Effective Service Excellence at Singapore Airlines" and it clearly states in one of the chapters that "Free drinks" was one of SIA's innovations.
        I see that's what it says on the SQ website as well:

        "Years ago, Singapore Airlines was the first to offer free drinks and complimentary headsets."

        SQ was created in 1972 and has its origins in Malayan Airways in 1947. There are plenty of airlines pre-dating SQ/Malayan Airways, e.g. QF. According to the QF website:

        "From 26 February 1935 Qantas' elegant, four-engine DH86 aircraft, now bearing the initials RMA (Royal Mail Aircraft), took over the Darwin-Singapore sector of the route. On 17 April that year Qantas operated its first overseas passenger flight from Brisbane to Singapore, a four-day trip."

        For a flight like BNE-SIN in 1935 taking 4 days, I really can't believe that:

        (a) this flight had no drinks offered to passengers; or

        (b) this flight did have drinks but the passengers had to pay cash for them (like on LCC today).

        I'd be happy to accept it if it is that SQ was the first airline to offer "free drinks in Y" but I find it hard to believe that SQ was the first airline to offer "free drinks in any class".

        Perhaps I'm wrong ?


        • #19
          Originally posted by flyingfox View Post
          You're kidding.
          30 seconds? Not even in F.
          I would wager their F meals cost much less than $200. As for restaurant quality, well - it's reheated, so............?
          Oh, sorry - talking more about the quality of the service. The food was just okay, the steak I had on one leg was pretty terrible. Then again: reheated steak is never nice and I should have guessed and ordered something else.

          The Matt Moran fish dish I had out of Australia was pretty darn good for airline food... and cheese selection was quite good, again, for an airline!

          Maybe I'm just a slow drinker as I never had an empty glass for an extended period of time and I was right next to galley so whenever the hostie walked by and saw it empty "Would you like another one, sir?"... hehehe. Might be a bit noisy, but sure beats waiting!

          Also: they didn't mind me swapping reds on occasion (I tried an Aussie Shiraz and it wasn't nice, went to the Italian...something).

          Sorry - I'm just use to the service with a smile of Qantas! SingAir was just such a refreshing breath of fresh air, but I was spoiled being in Business, I'm sure!


