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Stewardess spilt wine on me...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by astroboy View Post
    But I have a feeling that if the airline was anyone other than SQ, your umbrage at what happened might have been tempered somewhat. I say this because I have witnessed countless (and I mean countless) occasions where the most trivial of matters would be blown out of proportion if they happened on SQ, but would not have ruffled the slightest feather if on another airline (say UA or QF).
    Agreed, but then the situation on most Western airlines is such that any display of irritation -- or sometimes even evidence that you have a pulse and are not just stuck to your chair...! -- can result in threat of arrest upon arrival due to "heightened security concerns". Which is why people fly SQ and other Asian carriers in the first place -- these airlines still usually care about service!

    Having said that, I think while the SQ senior crew could have handled the situation more gracefully, the OP's being a bit of a PITA.


    • #17
      [mod hat (with some pretty appliques on it - regular mod hats are boring) on]

      Let me remind us all to please keep it civil in here. Thank you.

      [mod hat off]


      • #18
        Okay I think I can understand to some degree that kapitan was ticked off, but to put things into perspective let me tell how a very much similar incident was handled on another carrier. I was on OS (Austrian Airlines) flying BEY-VIE and during the nightly meal service (flight leaves BEY at 3am - shudder) I was in the aisle seat and the window pax requested coke which the FA managed to spill all over my sweater (will never wear an expensive piece again on board) while attempting to pass it to the window pax but actually hitting the top part of the seat in front of me.

        Now I had a nice coke stain which could soak in for over 3hrs. What she did say was one word. "Sorry." She wasn't the least bit emphatic for what had happened and her entire service recovery was grabing a few paper napkins from the trolley and passing them to me. Done. Good ehh?

        So what SQ did was leagues beyond that kind of service. Back then in 2004 there was no HON Circle status on LH/OS/LX yet and having SEN status I was in theory one of their top-tier customers. I didn't do anything following that as I wanted to see wether the FA reported it to the purser (a IFS on SQ) as she has to because it needs to be logged in the flight records in case compensation comes into play. NOTHING. After touch down when exiting the a/c I caught up with the purser and told her that I was extremly unhappy with the handling of this incident as I was barely apologized to, not informed of any next steps to get this sorted (cleaning) or worst case compensated. She looked baffled and told me that she wasn't aware of it as the FA hadn't reported it. In the end I got my compensation after unsuccessful cleaning attempts and many 'stern' exchanges with OS Customer Service who were barking at the (proven) 300 Euro price of the piece.

        Long story but maybe now SQ's recovery ain't looking that bad after all ...


        • #19
          Originally posted by taipeiflyer
          zvezda, i certainly don't have it in for you. and i would never compare you to a serial killer. i just find most of your posts to be very negative. from your previous posts you have made it clear you are not a fan of either children or elderly people bothering you, and you are not a fan of holiday decor. i feel like there is a wealth of knowledge to be gained from both young and old, and any sort of decorations that bring joy into people's lives, i'm all for. there have been times where i have agreed with you. but with respect to your criticism of older people being able to perform the functions of their jobs, i respectfully disagree.
          Aiyoh guys - Why like that lah? So after we all have already been reminded to be civil let me just put something into perspective here re: vomiting babies. I only had that 'luck' once (is it considered good luck like when you accidentally step into doggy sh.. - hmm maybe German superstitions are strange - anyway) and it wasn't pleasant but what can you do.

          What I would expect (and got offered in my case) was an apology from the parent and an offer to somehow resolve any possible damage that may have been done. Yes babies are cute and all that but for such cases reasonable people have a private/ personal liability insurance and if not then I would still expect them to personally compensate for anything their child did.

          I received the father's business card with email and phone number and he got mine and if stuff didn't come out through washing then he told me to replace the piece and he would transfer me the money. Very proper and no gripes and it did all come out at the cleaners. (Lucky I had a change of clothing in my carry on - man what did that child eat? )

          However, if nothing is done in such a case it is extremly poor behaviour by the parent(s) and I would also come after them just so that they learn some proper etiquette. So after three negative incidents like that I would understand anyone not being too fond of babies on a/c's in close proximity to one. Cheers ...


          • #20
            Originally posted by demue View Post
            Aiyoh guys - Why like that lah? So after we all have already been reminded to be civil let me just put something into perspective here re: vomiting babies. I only had that 'luck' once (is it considered good luck like when you accidentally step into doggy sh.. - hmm maybe German superstitions are strange - anyway) and it wasn't pleasant but what can you do.

            What I would expect (and got offered in my case) was an apology from the parent and an offer to somehow resolve any possible damage that may have been done. Yes babies are cute and all that but for such cases reasonable people have a private/ personal liability insurance and if not then I would still expect them to personally compensate for anything their child did.

            I received the father's business card with email and phone number and he got mine and if stuff didn't come out through washing then he told me to replace the piece and he would transfer me the money. Very proper and no gripes and it did all come out at the cleaners. (Lucky I had a change of clothing in my carry on - man what did that child eat? )

            However, if nothing is done in such a case it is extremly poor behaviour by the parent(s) and I would also come after them just so that they learn some proper etiquette. So after three negative incidents like that I would understand anyone not being too fond of babies on a/c's in close proximity to one. Cheers ...
            interesting. i've been thrown up on several times by babies, a couple times while wearing a bespoke zegna suit. amazingly, i just brushed it off. did i walk around with a stain for the day... yea, but who cares. clothes get dirty, that's life. if the parents offered to pay for my dry cleaning, great. if not, am i going to sulk, stew and let it ruin my day- of course not. in life, i worry about the big things, and everything else just sorta settles itself out. did the baby intentionally do it? of course not. what good does my getting upset about the situation do? i've sat on planes several times next to a baby... often times, in premium classes, they are more well-behaved than older, more demanding passengers. i would hope that one day, when i am a father, people would afford me the same sort of leeway when i carry my child on board. they will cry- the air pressure can be painful to their sensitive ears. they will throw up on occasion. i will do everything i can to make sure it isn't on anyone else. if it is, i will apologize profusely and compensate the unlucky recipient. but i think a person that gets upset about the situation is insensitive, overbearing, and generally, an a**hole.


            • #21
              Originally posted by taipeiflyer View Post
              I will do everything I can to make sure it isn't on anyone else. If it is, I will apologize profusely and compensate the unlucky recipient.
              Indeed. I would do the same, even now as a poor student, if I had spilt something stupidly on someone.

              And that's why I am surprised that more of a service recovery wasn't initiated in this instance.


              • #22
                Originally posted by taipeiflyer View Post
                i've been thrown up on several times by babies, a couple times while wearing a bespoke zegna suit. amazingly, i just brushed it off. did i walk around with a stain for the day... yea, but who cares. clothes get dirty, that's life. if the parents offered to pay for my dry cleaning, great. if not, am i going to sulk, stew and let it ruin my day- of course not. in life, i worry about the big things, and everything else just sorta settles itself out.
                Amazing indeed!

                As objectionable as you may have found other's comments, isn't it equally distasteful to openly judge other peoples' characters, and so unsubtly point out the praiseworthiness of one's own character?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by milehighj View Post
                  Amazing indeed!

                  As objectionable as you may have found other's comments, isn't it equally distasteful to openly judge other peoples' characters, and so unsubtly point out the praiseworthiness of one's own character?
                  i certainly don't want praise for my character. i don't need that sort of affirmation from anyone. My comment was in response to demue who stated: "What I would expect was an apology from the parent and an offer to somehow resolve any possible damage that may have been done... However, if nothing is done in such a case it is extremly poor behaviour by the parent(s) and I would also come after them just so that they learn some proper etiquette." Just seems a waste of your time and energy to come after them. it will certainly end up costing you substantially more than just taking your piece of clothing to a dry cleaner. that's just a rational approach to the situation, not a way of blowing out someone else's viewpoint so that mine shines brighter.


                  • #24
                    So getting back to the situation.....


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by zvezda View Post
                      Wine is not so bad. On three occasions, I've had a baby onboard vomit on me. None of the parents ever offered to pay for dry cleaning.
                      Was that because it was your child?

                      Seriously, IMHO the way the OP explained the situation they should get over it. Reaction such as this simply fuels compensation culture, which means everyone pays. Unfortunate as it was, how big a deal was it compared to, for example, a three hour delay when you completely miss a business meeting?

                      To the OP: Stuff happens. Treat yourself to a new shirt.

                      Cheers, Howard


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Singapore_Air View Post
                        Indeed. I would do the same, even now as a poor student, if I had spilt something stupidly on someone.

                        And that's why I am surprised that more of a service recovery wasn't initiated in this instance.
                        But wasn't there an apology proferred, and compensation offered in this case? The OP chose not to accept the compensation, although I'm not sure what he is really expecting in the way of an explanation, since he himself is fully aware of what happened, being there when the incident happened.

                        Talking to some of my FA friends, I learnt from them that there are also times when passengers spilt beverages on them, accidentally of course. There is nothing that they can do, not even when the passenger chooses to keep silent and pretend that nothing happened. They still have to carry on smiling and serving that passenger. No explanation, no apology, not even an acknowledgement that something happened.

                        As Howard puts it succintly: Stuff happens.
                        Have you checked your blind spot lately?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by taipeiflyer
                          Just seems a waste of your time and energy to come after them. it will certainly end up costing you substantially more than just taking your piece of clothing to a dry cleaner. that's just a rational approach to the situation, not a way of blowing out someone else's viewpoint so that mine shines brighter.
                          Maybe ... but look at it from a slightly different angle. maybe "come after them" sounds a bit harsh (wasn't quite intended like that) but when an airline fails in one of the services that we have come to expect, it is often also painful and time consuming to follow up and make them aware of it. But many of us do - maybe not you as this is absolutely an individual choice - to make sure the problem or issue gets fixed and others do not experience the same .

                          I see it similarly with parents who lack even the most basic decency. There si absolutely no issue with a baby throwing up on one (okay if I can avoid it then that's better of course) or someone spilling something or any other mishaps that happen. What I DO expect is an earnest apology and the offer to do something about it. Here it is the thought that counts and not the material things. I can clean my own stuff and also pay for whatever needs to be replaced, but I would like to see that someone is considerate of others.

                          Just a point of view. You say its a waste of time. I feel every now and then I can invest some of my time to maybe instill some change with other. Ohh and no worries, I'm no crusader for something like that and don't get worked up about it either. case closed - at least from my side.

                          Cheers to all ...


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by astroboy View Post
                            As Howard puts it succintly: Stuff happens.
                            I would put it a little more succinctly, but I fear the board software will edit out the first word

