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Beware! Seat 17K on A380

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  • Beware! Seat 17K on A380

    On 77W, we all agree that seat 11A, 11K, 14A and 14K are good choices being at the bulkhead which means having the full area for the feet. The stool is not tucked in just in a corner like a cubby hole, but you can use the whole stool as wide as the seat itself. 14A and 14K are near the galley, but have a private feeling to it. For someone who gets disturbed easily by a little light or noise, 14A and 14K would not be good.
    I like 14A and 14K as I feel more in my own private cubicle, and also I don't easily get disturbed by a light from the galley or slight noise, in addition it's fun to see the crew in action!

    But on A380, I would think that 17A and 17K would not be a good choice for me. Reasons:
    • The overhead bin on A380 is very small. When taking the inaugural flight, I put my Tumi 20" inches bag in the overhead bin above seat 19K. This time, to put the same bag into the overhead bin above seat 17K was a strugle. The aisle is too narrow because of the wall of the galley. Thus being a bit short, to manuver the bag up and slide in would be an exercise on its own. I ended up put my bag above the seat 20K. (Fortunately SQ221 was not full this time.)
    • There are two side bin by the window. Can have stuff stored in there. Briefcase would be fine in there. The armrest has a hole curve so that the water can be stored. Thus for carry on nuts like me, the 17K would be a hassle when deplaning. Run to get the rollabag from couple rows behind, then collect other stuff...
    • The galley is very very busy compare to 77W. The activities while serving dinner are constant. And they can't close the curtain because in front of the wall of my seat, there is a cabinet that the FAs need access while working. With the way the curtain close, when it was quiet at the galley, the pax who needs to use the loo upfront would make more lights coming through. And yes, the wall is not all the way up to the ceiling.
    Well, this was my first time on C class on A380. So perhaps others can give their opinion. What do you think UMD? I know you are taking A380 often enough!

    Note: But it was fun to watch the crew in action while preparing drinks and dinner. One girl opened a bottle of champagne and the buble spilled over the counter and on the floor.

  • #2
    Originally posted by SQ LPP View Post
    One girl opened a bottle of champagne and the buble spilled over the counter and on the floor.


    • #3
      I do not like 17A and K on the A380 either - for all the reasons you mention above!


      • #4
        I concur with observations of SQ LPP. The trouble is I like bulkhead because of the feeling of more space. 11AK are undesirable windowless seats. 17AK may still be the best for lack better alternatives.

        IMHO, after the novelty factor of A380 wears off, 77Ws are actually more comfortable aircrafts for C travel.


        • #5
          So on your opinion 14A / K is the best on the 77W In C?

          Im taking my first 77W flight in a week or two and am putting in the seat reservations now...


          • #6
            Originally posted by token01 View Post
            So on your opinion 14A / K is the best on the 77W In C?

            Im taking my first 77W flight in a week or two and am putting in the seat reservations now...
            IMHO 11 A/K, in the forward mini-cabin, is far preferable to 14 A/K on the 77W.

            As has been mentioned, it's close to the galley, plus you have a fair bit of toilet traffic passing by as well.


            • #7
              I actually agree with everything you said and that's why I never take 17A or K on any of my A380 flights (I had a 17K confirmed once and I changed it after I had a chance to observe the seat during my earlier flight). The crews will also agree that 17A/K are not the best seats.

              To me, all other Window seats on A380 are fine except for 11A/K (no windows and narrower seats) and 12A/K (narrower seats and much too close to D/F - at least that's how I felt on 12A once).

              I agree that 14A and K are the best seats on 77W. I also believe that the C class section galley on 77W is much better designed than that on A380.


              • #8
                Maybe if you didn't take the kitchen sink along with it's friends, relatives and work colleagues it wouldn't be as difficult to find somewhere to put your luggage.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MAN Flyer View Post
                  Maybe if you didn't take the kitchen sink along with it's friends, relatives and work colleagues it wouldn't be as difficult to find somewhere to put your luggage.
                  I believe your rollabag would not be easily stored in the overhead bin above 17K. You have to lift straight up first then make it flat. The problem is the low ceiling would hinder the turning into flat position.

                  And here is the pics of from seat 17K...

                  As you can see, the wall for the tv screen is not all the way up. Between the screen and the lav sign, there is a closet/pantry. The curtain rod is way forward. Thus during meal service, the curtain will not be closed..


                  • #10
                    I have actually requested for 17A for my flight to LHR next month because of the bulkhead position. Similarly, on the 747, 11 and 22 are my preferred seats. We will see.......


                    • #11
                      My take on 17k all depends on your need for privacy.

                      I have taken 14A on 77W and agree that is the best on the house.

                      For me, usually, i don't carry large baggage on board. Plus, it would be easier to chat up with the FSS when you've nothing better to do.

                      For the above reasons, 17A/K is still my preferred seats. At least better than 11AK and 12AK.

                      15A/K is good for those who treasure privacy. Not for me though.

                      Business class for 77W in general is better than A380 due to the wider passageway. To be honest, this doesn't really bother me much.

