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Which are the A380 & 77W Business Class seats that are reserved for PPS

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  • Which are the A380 & 77W Business Class seats that are reserved for PPS

    As I had been browse thru the forum but still couldn't find the answer, may be someone can help me out.

    Which are the A380 & 77W Business Class seats that are reserved for PPS?

    I flown many time on 744 that I noticed upper deck 17AC & 17HK are blocked for PPS.

    Not sure if 11A, 12A, 11K, & 12K for 77W...?

    What about A380...? Is it 11A, 12A, 14A, 15A, 11K, 12K, 14K, & 15K...?

  • #2
    17HK on the 744 is NOT reserved for PPS, only 17AC are.

    On the 77W or A380 - there is no blocking that I know of. Beware: bulkhead seats on the A380 are not necessarily desirable.


    • #3
      Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post
      17HK on the 744 is NOT reserved for PPS, only 17AC are.
      I've never been interested in 17AC - 17K or even 17H is much better when travelling alone - so this is all somewhat academic but...

      Correct me if I'm wrong that a non-PPS can nab 17A/C if still available at OLCI ? And if someone does, s/he better hope that no high ranking PPS later turns up who likes that seat.

      Can a PPS and a non-PPS on the same PNR pre-allocate 17AC ?

      (I was rather surprised to find out today that for an upgraded miles booking on BA (to check out the T5 CCR), I can pre-allocate 1AK on the 744 but my non-OW emerald friend in the same PNR can't. Happily, this means of course that I can with a totally clear conscience put myself in 1A and my friend in 5K. )


      • #4
        Originally posted by jhm View Post

        Correct me if I'm wrong that a non-PPS can nab 17A/C if still available at OLCI ?
        I believe so.

        Originally posted by jhm View Post
        And if someone does, s/he better hope that no high ranking PPS later turns up who likes that seat.
        That story is somewhat based on apocrypha - If it's happened, it's more the exception than the rule, and nothing a seat audit can't sort out.

        Originally posted by jhm View Post
        Can a PPS and a non-PPS on the same PNR pre-allocate 17AC ?
        Yes This can be done even when the non-PPS is not on the same PNR (did this for aunty P many times)

        Originally posted by jhm View Post
        (I was rather surprised to find out today that for an upgraded miles booking on BA (to check out the T5 CCR), I can pre-allocate 1AK on the 744 but my non-OW emerald friend in the same PNR can't. Happily, this means of course that I can with a totally clear conscience put myself in 1A and my friend in 5K. )
        Not a fan of "right up against the nose" on a 744. BA/UA/QF's 1-1 may work better than SQ's solo seat up the front, but the best place is to be is where the cabin's widest - that's just me

        Just don't think it makes that much of a difference in F


        • #5
          Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post
          That story is somewhat based on apocrypha - If it's happened, it's more the exception than the rule, and nothing a seat audit can't sort out.
          It's not quite an urban legend!

          Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post
          Not a fan of "right up against the nose" on a 744. BA/UA/QF's 1-1 may work better than SQ's solo seat up the front, but the best place is to be is where the cabin's widest - that's just me
          I've never sat in F on a BA 744 but I believe that 1AK are best for two people or perhaps 2AK is even better; but 2K is taken so it's 1A/2A for the moment.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jhm View Post
            I remember this thread. Can't say I agree with trying to bump someone off an assigned seat, especially after check in - but like I say, it's a matter of getting a seat audit to sort that out


            • #7
              i've had 17A on a pretty full sin-lhr flight before, got it a week before the flight if i remember correctly. and no i'm not pps. guess i got lucky

              and yes, a pretty darn good seat


              • #8
                Back to the topic, i.e. 77W and A380.
                A380, can't help there since never done it.
                77W: I know 14A and 14K are blocked for bassinet. 11A and 11K, I think it's for PPS but not as strict as 17AC on 744. Have seen many times, non-PPS seated in 11A or 11K.

                Regarding bumping someone from the seat, yes it happened. But really, it depends on the personality of the pax, as well as the agent involved. I have seen a TPP asked the agent to bump off a QPP from 17C. And I was bumped off from my 3F by a LPP.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SQ LPP View Post
                  Regarding bumping someone from the seat, yes it happened. But really, it depends on the personality of the pax, as well as the agent involved. I have seen a TPP asked the agent to bump off a QPP from 17C. And I was bumped off from my 3F by a LPP.
                  Think it not really nice to bump some one off their seats, esp when they've made a seat reservation or after they'd checked in. Does being a PPS give u such a power? Regardless of status, I feel it is a very unreasonable, uncivlised and impolite thing to do.

                  Btw, how do u rank LPP, QPP or TPP? Had got no abs idea on the ranking of PPS club members. Even the SQ website made no mention of such abbreviation.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post
                    I remember this thread.
                    Yes me too....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SQ LPP View Post
                      I know 14A and 14K are blocked for bassinet.
                      Not the 77W/A380 but a general question about the bassinet seat.

                      I've selected 12A (first row bulkhead) on a 772 to DPS. I understand that the seat next to 12A, 12C is blocked off as a bassinet seat and can't be allocated in advance. Does this blocking disappear (for example) 24 hours before flight departure ?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jhm View Post
                        Not the 77W/A380 but a general question about the bassinet seat.

                        I've selected 12A (first row bulkhead) on a 772 to DPS. I understand that the seat next to 12A, 12C is blocked off as a bassinet seat and can't be allocated in advance. Does this blocking disappear (for example) 24 hours before flight departure ?
                        I didn't realise 12C couldn't be assigned in advance - have actually had it preassigned quite a few times. Same with 12H. Maybe i got lucky.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post
                          I didn't realise 12C couldn't be assigned in advance - have actually had it preassigned quite a few times. Same with 12H. Maybe i got lucky.
                          I did recall getting the bassinet seat assigned for the flight to/from DPS. But I remember that the agent said that if they need the bassinet, I may be moved to another seat.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post
                            I didn't realise 12C couldn't be assigned in advance - have actually had it preassigned quite a few times. Same with 12H. Maybe i got lucky.
                            Maybe it only works if you have with you children ... or bears.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SQ LPP View Post
                              Back to the topic, i.e. 77W and A380.
                              A380, can't help there since never done it.
                              77W: I know 14A and 14K are blocked for bassinet. 11A and 11K, I think it's for PPS but not as strict as 17AC on 744. Have seen many times, non-PPS seated in 11A or 11K.

                              Regarding bumping someone from the seat, yes it happened. But really, it depends on the personality of the pax, as well as the agent involved. I have seen a TPP asked the agent to bump off a QPP from 17C. And I was bumped off from my 3F by a LPP.

                              Hi All. Been lurking here on SQT for many months. First post! Saved up all last year in order to afford 2 tickets in J (LHR-SYD rtn) for a holiday for my partner and I to Australia and Fiji in May. I don’t think I can put into words how excited I am. This will be the first time on SQ (this alone has made the holiday the best ever), first time in J, first time on A380, first time on upper deck on 744, first time to Oz, first time to South Pacific (dreamt of since childhood)……aaaargh I can’t wait!

                              I know nothing about photography and very little about airlines compared to most SQ talkers but I will try and put together some sort of trip report if anyone is interested.

                              Only one thing worries me after reading this thread. I am very particular about where I sit on airplanes. Basically if it’s not a window seat, I’m miserable. For the 4 legs of the journey, have confirmed 14A on 744 and 19A, 17K and 14A on A380. What are the chances of being presented with a boarding pass at the gate for centre seats or worst seats in the class because a PPS member wished to have my seat? (I'm sure there are many on LHR-SIN-SYD sector flights) Is there anything I can do to avoid this at check-in or before? How do I respond if this happens at the gate? Sorry if I’m overreacting, but gazing out of the window from my preferred seat on leisure flights is one of my favourite things in the world. Any responses would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. K

