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A380 Pre-delivery news

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  • Originally posted by zvezda View Post
    I wonder: Are SQ thinking that the increased revenue from SIN-FRA will justify sending a half-empty WhaleJet to JFK only to sit on the tarmac all day or if people will go out of their way to fly the only transatlantic route served by the WhaleJet.
    there are a lot of german passengers on the FRA - JFK leg. in fact, it's one of the hottest tips for near-FRA residents to avoid LH and take SQ instead. i know many people who fly SQ from FRA to JFK because of SIA's exclusive service and the travel experience. and of course there's the price. it's like 350 euros from FRA to JFK and back on SQ while I'd pay like 500+ euros from VIE directly on OS.

    if SQ25 wouldn't be taking off at like 8.20 or so in the morning, i would definitely fly VIE-FRA-JFK but there's no plane i could catch in VIE to reach SQ25 that early in the morning.
    Home is where your heart is.


    • Originally posted by florianwagner View Post
      there are a lot of german passengers on the FRA - JFK leg. in fact, it's one of the hottest tips for near-FRA residents to avoid LH and take SQ instead. i know many people who fly SQ from FRA to JFK because of SIA's exclusive service and the travel experience. and of course there's the price.
      I've flown FRA-JFK half a dozen time in the last couple of years and with the exception of the week before Easter this year (when I got an op-up to F ) the flight is empty, particularly in Raffles. I was once one of 4 on the lower deck.


      • Originally posted by MAN Flyer View Post
        I've flown FRA-JFK half a dozen time in the last couple of years and with the exception of the week before Easter this year (when I got an op-up to F ) the flight is empty, particularly in Raffles. I was once one of 4 on the lower deck.
        really? my father regularly flies the FRA-JFK leg and he told me that the plane is full quite often in Y and it's hard to get tickets sometimes.
        Home is where your heart is.


        • I often fly SQ between FRA and JFK and have only once seen it more than half full in C despite relatively low C fares. The few times I've taken the flight in F I've been one of two or three passengers. I have no idea about Y.


          • FRA - JFK is not always full. But the JFK-FRA is usually quite full. And yes, I've heard unsatisfactory service for JFK-FRA portion.


            • Originally posted by CGK View Post
              And yes, I've heard unsatisfactory service for JFK-FRA portion.
              yeah that's what my dad told me as well.
              Home is where your heart is.


              • My only complaint about the service from JFK to FRA is that it's too slow. I want to sleep.


                • It's fun watching the general excitement the beast makes. Just arrived into F37 and walked past F31 where it is about to depart on SQ221 to SYD. People taking pictures of it through the windows etc.

                  Also at the cafe around the corner where the big windows are there are people pointing at it and taking pictures. Spoke to a English couple there who are on the flight in J and are absolutely made up. They only realised they were on it today.


                  • answer

                    Originally posted by Ramon View Post
                    I have a question..

                    Some people here in the Netherlands told that the Singapore Airlines A380 comes to the Netherlands for a test flight? Can anyone confirm this ?
                    no not comfirmed.

