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SQ follows North American carriers

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  • #16
    My apologies, I didn't mean to put CGK down at all.

    It is just that for sufferers like myself, we have to be constantly be on the alert for such things, and in enclosed spaces like an aircraft where the nearest medical help could be hours away, having an attack inflight is no joking matter.

    I take my pills and inhalers and so on so that I don't unnecessarily inconvenience other people, as it is not their fault.


    • #17
      Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post
      Ah the joys of textual communication! Believe me - I don't think anyone on any side meant any harm. It's just a vagary - and an exhibition of how in many cases spoken words always seem to get the right message across a whole lot clearer than written ones. CGK , if anyone needs a vouch - is one of the most accomodating people I've ever met. I say that without reservation.
      Couldn't have said it better myself.
      Accommodating AND humble are words I'd use to describe CGK.
      All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.


      • #18
        Originally posted by CGK View Post
        Am i sounded like a heartless person now?
        No, not in the slightest CGK, as other members have mentioned, I don't think you are even capable of being heartless. You were merely pointing out an interesting observation from your travels, and certainly not complaining about the Pretzel/Nut situation.

        Well, I guess I failed in delivering the fun and such posts. The same as my green BP... ...Again, I failed to entertain.
        Certainly not! I think it was *even more* amusing that you, Mr. LPP SQ VIP was given green BP stock when even the op-up pax had blue - your post certainly brought a smile to my face on a boring afternoon at work!

        Anyway, one of SQtalkers here just suggested to me to take a rest. Perhaps that's what I will do.
        I sincerely hope that's not the case CGK, for me and I imagine the vast majority of other SQTalkers, you epitomise the spirit of SQTalk and are certainly not due a rest,......a rest from flying crazy "GPS failure" routes perhaps, but not a rest from your presence here


        • #19
          Anyone tried blue corn chips? I got that on JetBlue BOS-JFK-BOS. I miss those things...
          My Cafe Adventures
          Be Among The First To Savour Aromatic Vietnamese Coffee


          • #20
            Originally posted by The High Flyer View Post
            Anyone tried blue corn chips? I got that on JetBlue BOS-JFK-BOS. I miss those things...
            Yummm... That's one North American offering I wouldn't mind on my intra-Europe hops.

            Blue corn chips nicely complemented Corona beer when I used to shoot the breeze with my best friend in Texas.
            ‘Lean into the sharp points’


            • #21
              Apology to all of you

              Originally posted by bloob View Post
              My apologies, I didn't mean to put CGK down at all.

              It is just that for sufferers like myself, we have to be constantly be on the alert for such things, and in enclosed spaces like an aircraft where the nearest medical help could be hours away, having an attack inflight is no joking matter.

              I take my pills and inhalers and so on so that I don't unnecessarily inconvenience other people, as it is not their fault.
              No worry, bloob... there is no hard feelings at all. I just want to express my reasons why I made the posts with the fun and joke behind it, which was not executed well.

              For the rest of SQTalkers, just want to reassure you, there is no bad feelings in my part. Now I need a break from all those flying for the last few months. Like Arnold says: "I'll be back."


              • #22
                Originally posted by CGK View Post
                Like Arnold says: "I'll be back."
                How good's your Austrian accent though?

                I do a pretty good impression of "I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle!"

                preferably with George Thorogood's "bad to the bone" playing in the background :O


                • #23
                  Originally posted by CGK View Post
                  No worry, bloob... there is no hard feelings at all. I just want to express my reasons why I made the posts with the fun and joke behind it, which was not executed well.

                  For the rest of SQTalkers, just want to reassure you, there is no bad feelings in my part. Now I need a break from all those flying for the last few months. Like Arnold says: "I'll be back."
                  I'm taking a break to Samui for a week, I'm sure we can find something to keep you occupied..........


                  • #24
                    A bit late but the customary...



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by bloob View Post
                      Kudos to SQ for taking the right actions to ensure the safety and comfort of their passengers.

                      I suffer from allergic bronchitis and certain foods may be dangerous to me as they heighten the histimine reaction in my body, and I go into coughing fits, difficulties in breathing. Mine is considered mild, but my respiratory specialist did mention that people have died from such fits.

                      Peanuts are notorious as being one of the most allergy inducing foods. My infant sons have been put on an allergy-free diet programme to properly wean them through allergy-free foods until they are old enough and their immune system is strong enough before we introduce such high-allergen foods (like peanuts, beans, soy, pineapples, eggs, seafood)

                      So spare a thought before you gripe about missing peanuts on your flights.
                      Can having peanuts next to you trigger your allergy? That's the part where I do not quite understand SQ's policy. Unless you really think that there's a danger of a peanut escaping someone's hand and ending up in the plate of somebody allergic. I know it is not impossible, but unlikely and one could assume the person who is allergic can look at his/her food before ingesting it.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by DeltaFlyingProf View Post
                        Can having peanuts next to you trigger your allergy? That's the part where I do not quite understand SQ's policy. Unless you really think that there's a danger of a peanut escaping someone's hand and ending up in the plate of somebody allergic. I know it is not impossible, but unlikely and one could assume the person who is allergic can look at his/her food before ingesting it.

                        Dear DFP

                        AFAIK there are generally 2 kinds of allergy to nuts...serious ones and non-serious.

                        Basically the non-serious types should avoid ingesting any nuts and its derivatives.

                        The very serious ones could be affected by just inhaling nut particles in the air, by touching or being touched by someone who has handled the allergens.

                        Read this article from The New York Times
                        Last edited by mec; 12 August 2007, 01:56 PM.


                        • #27
                          DFP, the short answer is yes. For serious sufferers, any peanut particles, dust, flakes in the air, or on someone's hand, may be enough to trigger a serious histamine reaction, go into shock, and in some cases, die from it.

                          It is almost like DVT - no one knows who might get it, the number of cases in a year may be small, but the likelihood increases in places where you have limited movements over an extended period of time, like in an aircraft and in long haul flights. Also, there are certain people who are more prone to DVT than others, some may know it, some may not. So, airlines take necessary precautions, make announcements, and provide self-help information and tips to passengers.

                          I guess the key thing is not to take things for granted. What may not sound like a big thing to you, may actually be life-threatening to others. Having a corpse cupboard on board the A345 is not exactly the most comforting thing to know about.

                          Ok, I'll stop here as I don't want to be accused to beating everyone with the book. Just take heart and take care.


                          • #28
                            Thanks bloob, its been most educational

