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Attendant call button - the rules?

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  • Attendant call button - the rules?

    Not sure where this belongs on the forum (or at all), please move or delete accordingly

    My question relates to what is the etiquette (if at all) with the attendant/steward(ess) call button?

    As I understood when you press the button, the light/beep goes off depending upon the cabin, then normally when the crew attend you, the call button request is cancelled… well that was my basic understanding. I am not sure if the crew are able to cancel the request without coming to your seat/suite.

    So, with is in mind, yesterday on SQ12 I really wanted another cup of tea (after the meal service), I might add the crew were not very keen in doing the rounds throughout the flight, and secondly as I was in Suites it’s not so easy to attract someone either.

    Therefore I used the attendant call button. I waited around 15 minutes, but nothing? Ok no issue, so I then pressed a second time, again nothing, and I am certain I did not cancel the request. Eventually after 20 or so minutes I walked back to the galley to interrupt a crew social event, and asked (politely) if I could have another mug of tea. The tea arrived within minutes.

    From my past experience in F and R cabins the crew always make a point of telling me to “call” or “let me know” if you need anything.

    Without sound pompous or pretentious, I have no issue if the crew socialise (and I often socialise with them to pass the time), but I was nevertheless surprised nobody came to attend me? The reality was I only wanted another mug of tea, but could have been something more important or serious.

    Not being melodramatic but just wondered other opinions or thoughts, for sure this is one of those contentious points about SQ service, but opinions other experiences welcomed...
    Last edited by AsiaCommuter; 2 October 2011, 02:06 PM. Reason: Bad spelling on my part

  • #2
    The last time I used the call button, which happened in Y, an attendant came to my seat and told me to turn the call light off without asking me if I wanted anything...


    • #3
      First time I am hearing this happening in Suites Class.

      When you press the call button, did you hear the beep sound as well as did you notice that yellow light button lid up, just to make sure your call button is not faulty.

      I have a gut feeling the call button on your seat is faulty, thus crew is unaware that you press the button.

      15 minutes is a very long time, considering this is Suites, and suites crew normally patrols the cabin on a regular basis.

      Are you the only pax by the way in suites ?


      • #4
        On SQ it's almost always a very fast response in any class. Other carriers less so. Generally, if I can I tend to walk to the Galley and make my request in person, i don't really like summoning people.


        • #5
          Whenever travelling in R or F and I have used the call button someone has come in seconds normally looking very embarrassed that I had needed to use the call button and that they had not anticipated my needs.


          • #6
            IMO there is a very good reason for a call button especially in Y.

            - reduce traffic jam in the galley/aisle. 100+ pax going up and down the aisle often in opposite directions vs 1 or 2 FA doing the same task multiple times and can bring multiple items (eg.drinks)
            - easier with the call button especially if you are in the window seat (and would have to unseat 1 or 2 other pax to access the aisle.
            - F/B trolley in the aisle difficult to pass. Much easier to use the call button. FA can communicate to other FA on other side of trolley to get items and ease traffic jam.

            It has been a while since I have come across a cabin where the call button can be deactivated remotely.

            Often, especially in SQ, the FA do go up and down the aisle often enough where I can just signal their attention with my hand and not have to use the call button.

            If I am in the aisle seat, I have less of a tendency to use the call button.

            If I don't want to wait and I am not in an aisle seat, I use the call button.

            My experience is that J upwards generally get a much quicker response, obviously. But just before a meal service, everyone seems to be busy, but in J the response is still within 2 or 3 minutes.

            The only explanation I can think of is that the long response time is due to some crew having their rest period in between meals and the remaining crew is slacking off and not paying attention.


            • #7
              I'll confess something. I've never used the call button. Ever. Not in R, not on Easyjet .

              Somehow if i need someone i'll just go to where they are and ask for it. Maybe I'm too timid.


              • #8
                That's all well and good, SQflyergirl...

                Maybe you're always in an aisle seat, bulkhead/emex seat and/or travelling in premium classes with aisle access? I find it a great inconvenience when travelling in Y in my very-much-preferred window seats not to use the call button when there's a pax or two blocking my access to the aisle so that I can walk to the galley and ask the attendant for something or other. Especially more so when flying LCCs/budget/non-premium carriers where attendants may go for lengthy periods without ever bothering to patrol the cabin. Not to mention as per poopbunny above that the stewards may have carts/other unassociated events that end up blocking access in the aisle even in both directions.

                I think that makes you and (was it) jjpb3 who profess to not using the call button ever? Maybe jjpb3's an aisle lover (etc as per description above) also.

                The sad reality is, even if I don't want to inconvenience the crew, I inadvertently have to do so to not bother the pax I'm travelling next to.


                • #9
                  I'm sort of similar to SQflyergirl - I can't remember the last time I used the call button.

                  I definitely have never used it where I can walk to the galley myself (including if sat in R/F or an aisle seat in Y) or where I can wait until someone walks past.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kyo View Post
                    I think that makes you and (was it) jjpb3 who profess to not using the call button ever?
                    I don't know about jjpb3 but there are two others in the following thread:


                    That thread is also memorable for the revelation that whilst some of us walk to the galley to get our drinks, others...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by feb01mel View Post

                      Are you the only pax by the way in suites ?
                      No I was not the only passenger, not full by any means, there were four empty suites.

                      Interesting feedback, hence my question for opinions

                      I always have the dilemma of whether to go to the galley and ask - which also can be awkward as I always seem to have the habit of interrupting the crew and feeling like a lemon, and as someone else mentioned they crew then feel embarrassed they have not been attending me.

                      Versus waiting (how long is subjective) for the crew to pass, in this instance the crew were not frequently present so was not easy to grab one. I find this an easier task in F than in R, where as you are not enclosed you can catch someones eye.

                      Another consideration (not applicable in my case) is whether you close your doors, ok I did have both blinds down to not see in the suite next to me.

                      On a closing note - I wanted to add a couple weeks ago when solo in R the crew were falling over themselves to do anything and everything they could to make me journey more comfortable.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kyo View Post
                        That's all well and good, SQflyergirl...

                        Maybe you're always in an aisle seat, bulkhead/emex seat and/or travelling in premium classes with aisle access?
                        Actually I think the reason for my low call button hit rate is because I don't really fly much.

                        And if i am on a full flight in a Y window, and if it's not REALLY that urgent, I'll go without until someone comes by. That's just me. More than happy to wait actually.


                        • #13
                          I don't usually ask for anything whenever I fly, but if I do, I don't see the problem with using the call button. I hardly ever walk to the galley unless it's something important.

                          Must be the reason why I'm always ignored on a few carriers like TG


                          • #14
                            Flying in Y and taking the window seat all the time, I would usually wait for the crew to walk past to request for a drink instead of using the call button. But I did so on a recent overnight flight from Paris when service was scant and I was dehydrating. I had waved to the passing crew, who then forgot my request for water. Twice. Finally had my water after using the attendant call button.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jhm View Post
                              I don't know about jjpb3 but there are two others in the following thread:


                              That thread is also memorable for the revelation that whilst some of us walk to the galley to get our drinks, others...

                              On an EK flight in Y earlier this year I was in a window seat in Y and caused the couple beside me to get up thrice, being to timid to press the call button too.. the couple must have hated me!

