Service is absolutely comparable to BA.
Check-in was very efficient and the fast track for SENs was a nice surprise.
Unfortunately the lounge is located in pier A, but flights to London leave from Pier B, so the lounge is quite far from the gate area.
The aircraft are new and the ambience is nice, typically LH-Style.
Seat is comfortable and quite wide. The cushion on the seat is smtgh difficult to find nowadays on a flight so short.
Catering is ok, but nothing special.
Definitely better than AZ. Slightly worse than BA (before the massive changes)
Load factor is still a problem. C was totally empty (remember this flight is not a feeder flight), while Y was 70% full.
Finally, flight was on time and baggage was already waiting for me at the carousel.
All in all, a good flight.
Check-in was very efficient and the fast track for SENs was a nice surprise.
Unfortunately the lounge is located in pier A, but flights to London leave from Pier B, so the lounge is quite far from the gate area.
The aircraft are new and the ambience is nice, typically LH-Style.
Seat is comfortable and quite wide. The cushion on the seat is smtgh difficult to find nowadays on a flight so short.
Catering is ok, but nothing special.
Definitely better than AZ. Slightly worse than BA (before the massive changes)
Load factor is still a problem. C was totally empty (remember this flight is not a feeder flight), while Y was 70% full.
Finally, flight was on time and baggage was already waiting for me at the carousel.
All in all, a good flight.