.. SQ is no different from other airlines IMO. I had better service in BA F/J, NH Y, and AF!
People might say that I am biased, as I look for details when I fly. So I figured I will stop comparing airlines whenever I fly. Instead, this time I asked my friend who was travelling with me for his opinions on the various airlines: FRA-DOH on LH Y, (QR flight got cancelled), DOH-KUL on QR C, KUL-PEN on MH Y, PEN-SIN on SQ Y, SIN-BKK-NRT on SQ Regional and Spacebed C, and NRT-VIE on OS C.
Overall he said that he prefers QR over SQ. He said SQ was nice, but the food, service and general ambience was better on QR. He wasn't even impressed with OS!
The crew confirmed that I was the only pax onboard FCL today. My BTC order of Kyo Kaiseki was duly noted. Without further ado I was served a glass of Krug by the FS (first time seeing one in FCL) as requested. Special handling staff escorted a VIP to JCL, a Malaysian politician according to the IFS.
malaysian politician flying SQ? Doesnt MH fly to MEL too?