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LHR-SIN in R class

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  • #16
    I can upload now!

    I am in the TG lounge in BKK and now I can upload pictures and videos.

    I know several people have already posted many excellent pictures of the suite class and I don't want to bore you with things you have already seen. So I am trying to post things which I hope are a bit different or out of the ordinary and I hope you will enjoy them along the description of my experience.

    After boarding, we took our seats and the IFS offered to take our picture:

    I must say that compared to the 77W, the armrests are a good thing. And I am not sure if it is due to the fact that I only had one carry on bag, though it filled the whole space under the ottoman, but I had the feeling of having more space for my feet when bags are in front of the seat. Can someone else comment on that point?

    Since a lot of seats were left empty, I decided to go to seat 4A for take-off and snap a few pictures. The first I took was of the lady who was now maneuvering the jetway away from the massive aircraft:

    And then once she was done, I looked at the jetway going to the upper deck as seen from the lower deck:

    The aircraft pushed back and quite soon after, an Emirates 777 came to the gate we had occupied, making it look a bit funny:

    I can imagine the announcement: "We regret to inform the passengers deplaning from the aft door that they will have to jump 2 meters up into the air to reach the jetway. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience!"


    • #17
      As we taxied, I looked around and spotted along one of the taxiway a strange little cabin with a man in it and wonder what the heck he was doing there?

      Well, he was snapping pictures (of me ) of course:

      Well, when we took off, I looked back the massive engines.

      I could see that they were big, but it was only 2 days later when I flew on LH F in a 744 and I looked back at the engines there that they are much bigger than the 744 engines. The 744 engines looked puny in comparison...
      Here is another picture of the engines and wing in flight:

      I also looked back at the economy section of the lower deck and you can see from the curtain angle that we are still going up.


      • #18
        Once the seat belt sign was turned off, I started exploring a bit.
        By the way, where are the seat-belt signs in the suites? I did not even see them!

        I went into the bathrooms and I will not show you anything you have already seen and instead I will just mention the bench that makes it easier to change:

        As well as the mirror if you fancy shaving...

        So I did change into my PJs and started drinking Krug (yum). This was the first time I got the blue colored PJs. How long have they been around?

        I had the customary satays before making the table for dinner.

        One of the new things in the suite class is the possibility to dine face to face with your traveling companion. This is not new on other airlines and was overdue on SQ but now it is quite pleasant:

        I noticed that, unlike on the 77W, one cannot adjust the height of the table and the table does not travel very far, but I must say that, at least for me, the height is ideal and that leaving the table in the middle position (to be in the middle of the two diners), it was not too far.
        On the other hand, when you want to get out of your seat, the table does not move very far away and you have to lift the outer armrest and slide sidewise away from the table. Not very comfortable for big people if you ask me...


        • #19
          Ha ha ...watched the same movie as you. Such a sad movie.


          • #20
            Originally posted by SQFAN View Post
            Ha ha ...watched the same movie as you. Such a sad movie.
            Wow! It took me almost ten second to realize what you were talking about! Hehehe... I will let others figure it out on their own!


            • #21
              ..and the actress is so pretty. BTW, thanks for the pics. Thought the mini control tower picture is fab as I just at moment ago, read an article of N.Korean....


              • #22
                The food

                Now I am going to talk about the food. But I must apologize to SQ LPP, for I forgot to take the menu with me.... I guess I was too excited and that plays trick on my old man memory...
                So I can only tell you what I remember the food to be and not how it was described in the menu...

                For appetizer, the choice was between the traditional caviar and a crab preparation. Of course, since 7 passengers did not show up, I knew I could indulge in both... and I asked for both.
                What I did not expect is the way it came

                And I asked for an encore of the caviar:

                After that, I had the salad, but somehow you will not get to see it.
                The main dish I chose was a Poussin engineered by Gordon Ramsey:

                I followed it with cheese

                and finished with fruits. So here is the pictures of ALL the fruits on board (note the BIG one):

                I must say the food was all very good and the kind Flight Attendants kept the Krug flowing! You can see that in one of the pictures


                • #23
                  I almost forgot the desserts... I usually skip dessert but not this time...


                  • #24
                    Roaming around and an answer to my question.

                    Let me now say I found the answer to my question of where the fasten seat-belt sign is. There seem to be no "no smoking" sign though.
                    This is a picture of the light just above the passenger head:

                    It does show that there is a faster seat-belt sign there, but I never noticed it in flight! I like the notice "Max 2 passengers in compartment" . Though with the SQ service, you could have 2 passengers and the arms of 3 FAs in one compartment!

                    After dinner, I went roaming around and went up the front stairs (no picture, you've all seen it) and crossed the business class. I must thank the Chief steward:

                    and the In Flight Supervisor:

                    They provided me with a great escort!!

                    I only have one more picture to post from my excursion, because I got surprised when I downloaded it to my computer and looked at it on a big screen:

                    Why is one seat missing? It is nice for whomever get the special seat behind where it should have been. What is that seat number?
                    I did not notice when I was in flight.


                    • #25
                      The bed

                      I have uploaded a YouTube video but do not know how to put it in a post. Can someone PM me how to do it?
                      It is a video of the crew making the double bed.

                      Meanwhile, here is the result. I am sorry it is not a very good picture, I took it without a flash as one passenger was probably already sleeping in 2A and I did not want to bother him.


                      • #26
                        I'm really enjoying reading your TR, DFP. Definitely sounds like it was a great first A380 experience for you and your companion.
                        ‘Lean into the sharp points’


                        • #27
                          I went to bed and slept quite well! The bed is quite comfy. Narrower than on the 77W but I barely noticed it. After sleeping for a few hours, I woke up and went back to the seat. Thanks to Howard Long for suggesting to get the bed made in other seats. That way you can quickly go back to a seated position.

                          The LFS noticed I was up and offered me to have more caviar. Which, surprisingly, I declined. It shows you I must have been insane on that day! And then he apologized because they had ran out of Krug... so instead, he had to pour some Dom...

                          I was informed that the flight would be over in about two hours and I asked for breakfast to be served an hour before landing.
                          The breakfast was very good and we landed in Singapore.

                          When deplaning, the jetway connected to door 1L which is, as all of you now know, SQ LPP's favorite door!
                          I asked if I could visit the cockpit before getting off the plane. As is customary, they told me that they would ask the crew who answered to wait a few minutes for them to finish their more urgent duties. Maybe two minutes after the door had opened, I was allowed in the cockpit and was happy to snap a few unique pictures:

                          I was surprised to see that the pilot was filling out paperwork using a computer keyboard:

                          I must tell you that almost 20 years ago, I landed in the cockpit of a BA 757 in LHR and talked extensively with the crew. I asked them their opinion about Boeing vs Airbus and the nice Lady Co-Pilot told me she wished that she was flying an Airbus and mentioned how nice it was to have a table pull right in front of them instead of having the Boeing wheel there. She said it was so much easier to do all the paperwork that way.
                          Well now I know that on the A380 they do it directly into a computerized system

                          Finally, I took a picture of a reflection of the whalejet into the terminal:

                          I must mention that when I came out of the cockpit, nobody was leaving through the lower deck door...
                          I presume the crew kept blocking the poor Y passenger on the lower deck because of me, and I apologize to those unknown people that I inconvenienced. I did not need the crew to do that, but I guess they think of the R passengers as VIPs and I will not blame them for it.

                          I really had a great flight and want to thank the great crew! And thanks to the male FAs for allowing me to get a family picture of all of new uniforms:

                          Also thanks to SQ LPP for posting that picture in the thread about the new uniforms. The crew told me they had been wearing them only for 3 days.
                          I hope you enjoyed reading this report and if you see any of the crew on your upcoming trips, tell them someone you know really enjoyed the service they provided!
                          Last edited by DeltaFlyingProf; 5 July 2008, 09:21 PM.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by DeltaFlyingProf View Post
                            And then he apologized because they had ran out of Krug... so instead, he had to pour some Dom...
                            They were out of Krug with only 4 passengers.
                            Fortunately 7 had cancelled

                            thanks for this nice TR


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DeltaFlyingProf View Post

                              Why is one seat missing? It is nice for whomever get the special seat behind where it should have been. What is that seat number?
                              I did not notice when I was in flight.
                              I sat in that seat behind that missing seat once. Howver, won't do it again being in that cabin, well, makes me feel so cramped with so many people. Y in A380 is no fun. Y upstairs is okay-ish.


                              • #30
                                Great report, DFP!

                                I can't believe you refused the additional serving of caviar. Did you actually finish all the fruits on the plane????

