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SQ R vs. CX new F: from London to Toronto via Singapore and Hong Kong

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  • SQ R vs. CX new F: from London to Toronto via Singapore and Hong Kong

    It has been a tough time at work recently so I decided it was time to take a holiday and burn a lot of cash and miles to compare SQ Suites with SQ New F with CX New F with CX Old F.

    Check-in at LHR was smooth and I was through security in under 2 minutes which was lucky as I was running rather late. As I was late I decided to skip the VS CH and just go to the SKL. The SKL has been refurnished since I was last there but I can't say I think it looks any better than it did before. Anyway I was only there for 15 minutes before they announced the plane was ready for boarding. I was hoping to get a good look at the A380. However in the end the gate structure pretty much blocked out the view. So I just went straight on board. One new thing was that I got an escort from the gate to the plane. However I think the escort was an ex Olympic speed walker and I almost had to run to keep up.

    Anyway I was soon in Suite 3A.

    And of course drinking a glass of Dom

    Took a quick snap across the Cabin

    Then looked out and could see the ramp going up to the upper deck

    Boarding was soon complete and we were ready to go. Unfortunately the Captain came on to say he had just been informed that there were 30 aircraft in the queue for take off before us. So it would be an hour before we took off. Don't you just love LHR

    Here is the queue behind us as we eventually took off.

    About an hour and quarter after our schedule departure time we finally took off.

    After take off I has a quick walk around the cabin

    Last edited by Lobster; 7 June 2008, 12:15 PM.

  • #2
    After take off I ask for a Scotch. I had the Macellan 12 year single malt nad very nice it was too. The Satay was soon served which I scoffed down immediately. Then I realised I had not taken a photo of it so I asked for some more. I hope you all appreciate the sacrifice I made for this trip report.

    Soon afterwards our tables were laid for lunch.

    For the appetiser there was a choice of caviar or Tuna. I was brought the Tuna

    Now those of you who know me and know my passionatedislike of anything that has lived in the sea might be wondering why I asked for the Tuna. Well the answer to that is that I did not ask for it, so it was returned untoched.

    The garlic bread was the best I have ever had on a flight. Very garlicy and not too soggy.

    Then came the soup course

    My soup was not warmed through completely so I had to return it to be cooked through fully. By this time I was feeling like a complete PITA having returned both the first two courses. Anyway they qucikly brought another soup which was piping hot. It was Pea and Bacon soup and was very nice.

    Next came salad which I though was very disappointing. Not much variety or quantity of lettuce. But anyway it was fine and Thousand Island dressing is one of my favourites.

    For my main course I had BTC Roast Duck which is my absolute favourite BTC dish and this was as good as I remember it.

    After that they brought what I think they call an amuse bouch which I have to say did not amuse my bouch at all. It was a cold version of the soup that was much nicer hot earlier on in the meal and it just seemed totally pointless to me.

    I can't remember exactly what the dessert was but it was a fairly standard SQ thing some sort of cake and absolutely frozen solid ice cream. When will they learn that you need to take the ice cream out of the freezer 20 minutes or so before you serve it.

    I finished up with some cheese.


    • #3
      After dinner I watched a film on the huge screen in front of me and found the seat very comfortable to lounge in although probably not quite as comfortable a lounger as the old Skysuite.

      Then I thought it was time for a bit of sleep so I asked for my suite to be turned into a bed whilst I went to change into my PJs. They were still busy unfolding the bed when I returned. One thing is certain it is not a simple process unfolding the bed. Anyway finally it was ready and I got into bed. Now it maybe the first being a separate bed and not a chair that has been turned into a bed however think more of camp bed rather than the bed you have at home. It is very thin and the matress is about 1 inch thick. Over all it really was not noticabiliy more comforable than other beds which are converted seats. However I did still manage to get a fe hours kip.

      Once my bed was turned back into a seat I decided to watch some of the TV shows. However my chair would no longer recline. the LS came and soon had it fixed. Seems like this is a comon problem and they know how to fix it now.

      About 90 minutes from SIN breakfast was served although I was still full from luch so only had a bowl of ceral.

      Overall I thought the Suites were nice but not noticably better than the old skysuites in the 747. In fact if they enclosed the old skysuite then I think that would have been better.

      On leaving I managed to grab a couple of photos of the A380


      • #4
        Thanks for the TR, Lobster. Enjoying it so far.


        • #5
          Thanks, Lobster! Looking forward to your comparison with CX New F.


          • #6
            Enjoying it Thanks for sharing


            • #7
              Thoroughly entertaining, Lobster. Can't wait for the next installments.
              ‘Lean into the sharp points’


              • #8
                As we were about an hour late arriving I had only 2 hours to kill in the new T3 before my flight to HKG. Had a quick walk around T3 which looked very nice apart from the carpet which I thought was horrible. Then decided to go and see the new SKL. The first thing to say is that it is really badly sign posted if you are a transit passenger. The only sign for the SKL I saw was at the bottom of the escalator taking you up to the lounge and by that time you can see the great big SilverKris sign (unlike the CIP lounge which was signposted throughout the terminal).

                I was escorted into the lounge found an empty seat (not that easy as it was crowded at that time in the morning). However it soon emptied out and I grabed a couple of snaps.

                Overall I was in the very disappointed camp with this lounge. Too Small, Too Dark, Too Boring

                Anyway soon it was time to head for my HKG flight on the 77W. There was no queue for security at the gate and I was soon boarding the plane only to be greated by this sight.

                Yes we had an equipment change. Oh well a bit disappointing but there we go you just have to live with these things.

                I noticed we were at the gate next to the one I arrived at from LHR so took some more photos of the A380

                Then I noticed the monstrosity that is the new Crown Plaza Hotel

                I just find it so hard to believe how someone signed off such an ugly design that does not fit in with its surroundings at all.

                Anyway soon we had taken off and were climbing over Singapore on our way to HKG


                • #9
                  After take off asked for another Scotch

                  I was still not that hungry so went straight to my main course. I had BTC the Yam Rice Duck.

                  The Duck was very nice ( I am a huge fan of Duck), but I was not so taken with the Yam Rice. There was nothing wrong with it just not to my liking.

                  Then we were offered another amuse bouche so this is not something just for Suites passengers but something being offered in F as well.

                  This was a passon fruit juice basically and quite nice

                  Dessert was a lemon tart with ice cream (yet again frozen solid)

                  And I finished everything up with a cup of Jasmine tea.

                  After lunch I put the seat back into the lounging position and was soon asleep. I have to say I find these old seats very comfortable. And soon we were decending into HKG.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lobster View Post
                    Then we were offered another amuse bouche so this is not something just for Suites passengers but something being offered in F as well.
                    It is not just for Suites, as it is served onboard the new F on SQ862/861 as well. But IIRC, it is supposed to be for new F flights only? I am not too sure about this one though.


                    • #11
                      Enjoying the report thus far, Lobster. Thanks.

                      Hmm... aren't amuse bouches meant to be served prior to appetisers?
                      All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.


                      • #12
                        Excellent TR so far, many thanks Lobster - look forward to reading more!


                        • #13
                          I only had a two hour transfer time in HKG before my CX flight to YYR left. I headed straight for the transfer desk. There was no queue at th F counter. I asked the lady to check on whether my luggage had made it. However it was too early to tell as my bag was still on the SQ flight but she said she would make sure it did. I was soon issued my Boarding pass and lounge invitation. I think this is the first time I have seen a louge invitation for an airlines own lounge and not a contract lounge. I was through security in a couple of minutes and heading up to the departure area.

                          I am not a big fan of HKG airport. I do not find it particularly efficient compared to a number of its Asian counterparts with long immigration queues and luggage that can take a long time to come out. However the thing I really hate is the shopping area. It is a totaly maze and I always get lost in it. This time was no exception as my flight left from gate 25 I decided to go to the Wing but spent the next 30 minutes lost in the shopping area trying to find the entrance. Anyway finally was settled into the Wing. Even though it was really crowded it is a great lounge. My only complaint was that it was very hot in there. Even though it is open to the rest of the terminal it was noticably hotter in the lounge than in the main terminal.

                          Soon I was heading towards the gate. There was no queue at the F/J line and I went straight onto the 77W plane.

                          The new F cabin looked really nice and it turned out that the seat was really comfortable.

                          I got a very warm welcome from the two cabin crew who would be looking after the F cabin on this flight and then the CX equivilent of the IFS came and introduced herself.

                          The captain then came ver the PA to say that there would be a delay in take off due to bad weather and that once we did take off due to strong headwinds the flight time would be 15 hours so we would be arriving into YYR late.

                          You can just about make out through the rain the CX 747 which took off before us.

                          After take off the crew came round and took orders for dinner. I asked to delay dinner for a few hours as I was not hungry at that time. Then bam they disappeared and were not seen again, they did not even offer an after take off drink. After a couple of hours I decided I really needed a whiskey so pressed the call button. To be fair someone did come immediately at this point. But even so I thought it was a bit poor that they had not even peaked out of the galley for about two hours.

                          After the whiskey I decided that it was time to eat. So went through to the galley to ask for them to start preparing it. However I seemed to have interupted a big arguement over who was going to take their break when. Anway they soon stopped their arguement and said it would take about 20 minutes to heat up my main course but they would start with soup and salad before then.

                          As you can just about see from the photo they brought the salad and the soup at the same time which I thought was a bit odd.

                          For my main course I had beef pasta which was very tasty

                          This was followed by some cheese

                          I then asked for dessert and a cognac. However they came and said the ice cream was frozen and it would be 10 minutes before it was soft enough to serve. Not a problem as I enjoyed the cognac whilst I waited.

                          Finally the ice cream was defrosted

                          I finished off my meal with a cup of tea.

                          After dinner I settled down to watch a film. The seat was really very comfortable to lounge about it. The IFE choice was not quite as good as SQs but really is not bad at all. The only disappointing thing was the flight map. I am a bit addicted to watching the flight map on flights now. The CX one gives you very minimal information, I mean how am I supposed to enjoy my flight if I do not know how strong the head/tail wind is.

                          Finally it was time to get some sleep. I asked the crew to make my bed whilst I went to chnge into my PJs (The CX PJs are really nice). By the time I waschangd my bed was all ready for me. Although it is just the chair reclined flat it was very comfortable. I had one of the best nights sleep I have ever had on a plane (and much better than I did on the SQ Suite).

                          I woke up about three hours out of YYR and decided I needed some water so went to the galley but there was no one there. So I went back to my seat and pressed the call button. ABout 10 minutes later someone turned up and quickly brought some water. But I just can not imagine SQ leaving the F cabin completely unattended.

                          Just before landing I had some duck and noddles (well I did need my duck fix) which was OK but not great.

                          Overall I really liked the CX new F seat and prefered it to the SQ Suite. It is more comfortable in both seating and bed mode. However as far as service goes SQ wins hands down. CX has a very friendly and warm service style which I really like but the quality is just not there. So overall I would stick with SQ, but I am only half way through the trip so we shall have to see how it goes on the return journey.
                          Last edited by Lobster; 8 June 2008, 02:11 AM.


                          • #14
                            And finally I was in Toronto


                            • #15
                              Wonderful... but surely you meant YYZ instead of YVR?

