The aircraft takes off from 02C 40 minutes behind schedule. It is a bumpy take-off into the dreary monsoon sky.

As the seat belt sign comes off, I settle in and dim my window.

I connect to wifi and start messaging friends.

Lunch was served on this intra-ASEAN flight. A choice between pork with rice or chicken pasta. I chose the western option.
Meal tray presentation. Included a prawn starter and vanilla bean ice cream.

Chicken pasta.

The main was decent. The pasta tasted a bit on the salty side.


Vanilla bean ice cream as dessert

Meals were cleared with slightly over 90 minutes left of the flight. I wasn't in the mood to watch much Krisworld. I probably watched 2 TV episodes and read for most of the flight.

As the seat belt sign comes off, I settle in and dim my window.

I connect to wifi and start messaging friends.

Lunch was served on this intra-ASEAN flight. A choice between pork with rice or chicken pasta. I chose the western option.
Meal tray presentation. Included a prawn starter and vanilla bean ice cream.

Chicken pasta.

The main was decent. The pasta tasted a bit on the salty side.


Vanilla bean ice cream as dessert

Meals were cleared with slightly over 90 minutes left of the flight. I wasn't in the mood to watch much Krisworld. I probably watched 2 TV episodes and read for most of the flight.