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KeithMEL travels the world on a blast from the past: my first DONE4

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  • #46
    Originally posted by phaleesy View Post
    Which sulphates? Iron sulphate?

    Green scrambled eggs aren't too bad then, since one is unlikely to become anaemic if he eats that regularly.
    No not iron, ionic sulfates SO4^2- or SO3's just the polar state because ions can freely go as they please without being bound to anything. If you remember Aqueous phase. The eggs sulfur comes from the cysteine disulfide linkages in the egg yolk where all the protein comes from.

    Sorry for ruining your thread Keith my food science knowledge got the best of me.


    • #47
      Oh and I'd forgotten to mention - *LHR baggage experience shocker 2* - my suitcase not only made it safely to DXB but was actually one of the first to appear!
      All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.


      • #48
        Originally posted by KeithMEL View Post
        Boarding commenced about 10 mins after I got to the gate, and priority boarding was strictly enforced with F and J pax invited to board first. Definitely a better boarding experience than my CX flight from HKG where people queued up without regard to where they were seated and the agents didn't do anything about it.
        Yeah, I really love this about JL. They totally police the area with tons of agents insuring a clear path for F and J pax.

        Originally posted by KeithMEL View Post
        I can't say that I find the JL seats particularly comfy. I tried an arvo siesta on them but in angled flat mode - the seat was extremely steep. Also the lack of padding meant it was rock hard and was like lying down on a playground slide.
        Totally agree that JL's J needs an overhaul. Their F product, however, is quite nice...and they serve Veuve Clicquot La Grande Dame also.
        HUGE AL


        • #49
          Yes the Hilton Tokyo is most convenient for moving around as it's located directly opposite the Tomochae (sp??) subway station which is on the Oedo line. The hotel also has a complimentary shuttle to Shinjuku station where there is a massive shopping complex called Odakyu (sounds like 'autocue'). From both stations you navigate your way to Ginza and shop to your heart's content.

          Thanks Dude...Hilton will do....

          Btw, JL meal looks good....


          • #50
            Review of the Sheraton Dubai Creek posted here.

            Next: Pics of Dubai
            All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.


            • #51
              Most enjoyable report so far Keith Hope you're having a great time in Dubai!


              • #52
                Originally posted by impresta View Post
                No not iron, ionic sulfates SO4^2- or SO3's just the polar state because ions can freely go as they please without being bound to anything. If you remember Aqueous phase. The eggs sulfur comes from the cysteine disulfide linkages in the egg yolk where all the protein comes from.

                Sorry for ruining your thread Keith my food science knowledge got the best of me.
                As far as I can remember, free sulphur ions (in various oxidation states) are not known to be green, unless combined with metallic ions. It has been years since I last studied chemistry, so I could be wrong.
                Last edited by phaleesy; 18 January 2008, 10:01 PM. Reason: Grammar


                • #53
                  Originally posted by phaleesy View Post
                  As far as I can remember, free sulphur ions (in various oxidation states) are not known to be green, unless combined with metallic ions. It has been years since I last studied chemistry, so I could be wrong.
                  Yup ** right. I just remembered how Chlorophyll works because of the metallic ion complex.


                  • #54
                    is the BA business class seat any comfy? It looks a bit .... odd? at least the thingie you're supposed to put your feet on looks .... strange.
                    Home is where your heart is.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by florianwagner View Post
                      is the BA business class seat any comfy? It looks a bit .... odd? at least the thingie you're supposed to put your feet on looks .... strange.
                      The thingie? You're supposed to release the catch and it then flips down to 90 degrees position. Plonk your feet up then.

                      I don't quite like BA J seat as I find the width is not wide enough for me. The usage of the dark colour fan separator does not help to @enlarge' the already tiny enclosed space.


                      • #56
                        great trip report !
                        the service on QF J sounds delightful.
                        J. my own dear wife J.


                        • #57

                          Bling, bling and more bling - Dubai has no shortage of glitz. Though the French champagne flows like water, the city is not exactly a mecca for nightlife. The fantastic shopping makes up for it though. Some parts of Dubai resemble construction sites, but along with that it seems to be a city full of hope, promise and with that - lots of bling to come!

                          It was raining when I arrived - not the kind of weather I was expecting. Being a Melbournian I suppose I had to take the blame for bringing up the weather with moi. But it cleared up and the weather over the duration of my stay was sunny yet with a comfy chill.

                          The rather grand lobby of the Sheraton Dubai Creek

                          Festival City

                          With local MWer Imran K at a rather upscale food court

                          Indoor ski slope at Mall of the Emirates

                          Medinat Jumeirah - nice restos here and there's also a Caviar House & Prunier outlet

                          All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.


                          • #58

                            A closer look at the Burj!

                            Dubai Creek

                            Hard Rock Cafe Dubai - now I've literally 'been there, done that and gotten the t-shirt.'

                            Next: BA104 DXB-LHR J, BA559 LHR-FCO J
                            All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by SQFAN View Post
                              I don't quite like BA J seat as I find the width is not wide enough for me. The usage of the dark colour fan separator does not help to @enlarge' the already tiny enclosed space.
                              Originally posted by florianwagner View Post
                              is the BA business class seat any comfy? It looks a bit .... odd? at least the thingie you're supposed to put your feet on looks .... strange.
                              The NGCW (New Generation Club World - quite a few TRs on this) seat has a lot more width as the arm rests go down with the seat when in fully flat mode.

                              Being the scrawny runt that I am I found the NNCW (New New Club World - ie the config we're currently referring to; yes it's confusing...) seat reasonably comfy though the foot stools seemed to collapse a fair bit.

                              Originally posted by upright man View Post
                              great trip report !
                              the service on QF J sounds delightful.
                              Thanks mate.

                              Indeed I've more often than not enjoyed my QF flights and I do hope people who are thinking of jumping ship (not that I'm advocating that you hear !! ) will consider them a viable alternative instead of defaulting to CX.
                              Last edited by KeithMEL; 22 January 2008, 08:27 PM.
                              All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.


                              • #60
                                Sector - DXB-LHR
                                Flight number - BA108
                                Class - Business

                                Sector - DXB-LHR
                                Flight number - BA104
                                Class - Business
                                Seat - 15D
                                Aircraft - B777-200

                                The roads were clear at 0800 and in no time my ride pulled up at DXB, and my foray into the Middle East came to an end. Off to the Eternal City today, via Heathrow. This day however was going to be much longer than I'd imagined...

                                You have to pass through some form of security no less than 3 times when departing DXB. Once before check in to scan your check in items and all hand luggage, another time after immigration, and finally the annoying shoe/belt carnival at the gate itself which caused a massive bottleneck as not many people were prepared for it.

                                Upon rocking up to the check in counters I saw from the screens that BA108 was canceled; it was later explained that this was due to crew shortage caused by the BA 777 incident at Heathrow a couple of days earlier. I watched the couple in front of me rebooked on to an LH flight as there was no way their original connection could be salvaged. I'd instead been rebooked on BA104 which leaves 2 hours later, still connecting in good time to my onward flight to FCO. So no need to work out whether I'd need to claim original routing credit or whatsoever... phew!

                                The only downside was that I'd been kicked out of my nicely pre-assigned seat 10G, and been given a window seat somewhere in the middle of the cabin. I don't mind taking off backwards but I don't like window seats when not riding the upper deck of a 744 (the side storage cabinets are the draw for me) as I often find them too claustrophobic - more so with the BA config due to the rather 'cozy' arrangement. So I pleaded my case for an aisle seat and promptly got one in the last row of the cabin - 15D.

                                All in I thought the cancelation was handled quite well by BA DXB as people were very promptly rebooked and I couldn't see many tears or dramas. I also got a call from a BA number when I was passing through security, presumably to advise me of my new schedule and to only turn up at the airport 2 hrs later (I'd missed it as my hands were full going through security and only checked it in the lounge and discovered that it was a call from some BA desk) - well too late!

                                I then headed to the BA lounge where there were free food vouchers for all pax on the canceled flight, and unlike quite a few BA lounges i'd been into there was free wifi in this one which was handy. Drinks wise there was also some French sparkling wine which went well with my breakfast, as well as several reds and whites.

                                Boarding then commenced and said bottleneck occurred, but that meant the aerobridge was pretty much empty and I simply sauntered to my seat virtually unhindered. And it was another champagne binge from the time pre-take off drinks was served.

                                View of BA Youth Hostel from seat 15D

                                We departed on schedule, and this flight had the standard post take off drinks, main meal, and pre landing refreshment routine. It was actually rather unmemorable as, apart from one very animated steward in the opposite aisle, it felt like the crew were simply going through the motions, apart from having ice thrown all over me during the initial bar service. That meant I got even more champers later during the flight though...

                                I decided to check out the IFE on this flight as The Nanny Diaries was showing and I missed the 2nd part of it on my QF flight. The PTV screen was tiny! Picture and audio quality were average at best unfortunately.

                                We were then served dinner. Whilst I enjoyed the entree of salmon, I should've known better than to have gone for steak on a flight. And although the menu clearly indicated 2 types of cheese on the cheese plate, we only got Cheddar - which would not have looked out of place in Economy.

                                I then had a quick nap on the pretty comfy NNCW seat, and thankfully this wasn;t one of those overheated BA flights and in fact the temperature was quite nice and cold, which made for a rather comfy kip. My seat mate had been upgraded from W, but his gf was stuck in W - she chose this time to come up for some PDAs. Ugh. I retreated into the galley for more champers.

                                Another champagne sipping session, and before I knew it arvo tea was being served. The sandwiches were actually rather tasty, that I even asked for seconds as I didn't finish my steak and hence was feeling a little peckish.

                                Full menu here.

                                We then landed in LHR on time, but spent quite a while taxiing and ended up pulling into the terminal 15 mins behind schedule.
                                Last edited by KeithMEL; 25 January 2008, 08:20 PM.
                                All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.

