On the whole, food and presentation SQ won hands down. For instance, Haggan Dazs ice crean served on SQ is much better than CX.
As for seats, CX 747 J seems to feel better suported than on SQ spacebed.
Looking forward, im sure new SQ J will stay dominant for sometime
I will also be posting some Japan pics as well as some special pictures* I have taken in HK that will Thrill some aviation freaks. Stay tuned. This is 9V-SWP reporting live from Singapore.
Thanks for sharing, 9V-SWP. Love the picture of the tailfins set against the backdrop of the mountainsides.
I agree with you: the food presentation on CX J leaves quite a bit to be desired. I just don't think those casserole dishes work. The taste, though, can be very very good. The crispy fish I had HKG-SIN was mouth-meltingly delicous.
As for the seat, I prefer the SpaceBed over the NBC seat.
Thanks for sharing your trip experiences with us. Hmm, Unagi in one of your pics. Yummy. Also noted that one of the planes (Taiwan?) has some of Boeing's new blue livery.