I saw this plane pass below us as we approached Changi…
A short holding pattern before a landing to the South on runway 20R…
Wonder which 777 that is with the SQ logo painted over on the tail…also one of Scoots previous 777’s -- now unused since Scoot is now an all 787 fleet.
A smooth touch down on a busy evening, and a short walk to the arrivals area, where the bags were at the belt before I was…
A short holding pattern before a landing to the South on runway 20R…
Wonder which 777 that is with the SQ logo painted over on the tail…also one of Scoots previous 777’s -- now unused since Scoot is now an all 787 fleet.
A smooth touch down on a busy evening, and a short walk to the arrivals area, where the bags were at the belt before I was…