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CGK visit = LON SIN Do

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  • shortfinals
    Originally posted by jhm View Post

    shortfinals - you should accompany SQfg (I assume you know each other) one of the times she visits London.
    Do i know her? Yes actually. Know her very very well - to the point she gets inside my head far too much. Rather disconcerting actually.......

    Some people say meeting her is like meeting me but I REALLY have no idea where that came from !

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  • jhm
    Aw shucks! Of all the weekends, it had to be this one - I expect the ORD SIN "Graeters" Do soon to compensate!

    Unless I've missed one, I make this LON SIN Do VI (with the last one being back in March which was LON SIN Do V - I still have jjpb3's PM).

    shortfinals - you should accompany SQfg (I assume you know each other) one of the times she visits London.
    Last edited by jhm; 18 November 2006, 09:02 AM.

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  • shortfinals
    Originally posted by jjpb3 View Post
    I hear you send a pretty reliable representative, though.
    Dunno about pretty. But yeah, she's reliable. Isn't she like coming in early december? That's another occasion for a LON-SIN do

    Originally posted by jjpb3 View Post
    I've lost count.
    Me too. You guys treat London like a halfway house

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  • jjpb3
    Originally posted by shortfinals View Post
    Ah london. Been absolutely YEARS since i've been there. Would love to make it but can't . In fact, i don't think I'll be going there for a long time to come.
    I hear you send a pretty reliable representative, though.
    Originally posted by shortfinals View Post
    So what number is this in the series now?
    I've lost count. Maybe we need nicknames for the various LON SIN Do's, like "First Sarah West Ivy Do" or, in the current case, "CGK Post-India". ("CGK Ungrounded" would be far too un-specific .)

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  • shortfinals
    Ah london. Been absolutely YEARS since i've been there. Would love to make it but can't . In fact, i don't think I'll be going there for a long time to come.

    So what number is this in the series now?

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  • jjpb3
    started a topic CGK visit = LON SIN Do

    CGK visit = LON SIN Do

    So, Mr Indirect Routing (that's CGK for those on more formal terms with our resident sweetie and guardian angel) will grace my home city with his presence in a week's time, and we've managed to rustle up a posse to celebrate his arrival.

    The posse:
    and yours truly

    Agenda for Saturday 25 Nov:

    Pre-dinner cocktails at 6 pm at the now-established LON SIN Do pre-dinner haunt, the Mandarin Oriental London -- first round of watermelon martinis on me! guttorm, fashionable man that he is, will be coming late, so he'll have some catching up to do. And we'll try to wait for him before heading out to ...

    Dinner at 8 pm at Shanghai Blues ( I have reservations for the posse; do let me know if you can join us. I'll probably need to finalize reservations by this Tuesday.

    Post-dinner drinks: looks like we'll be converging on one of the SQTalkers' room (we'll have some bubblies to lubricate the conversations [and just the conversations, thank you]) and making it cozy. Unless something happens unexpectedly, the beautiful cawhite should be there with the equally gorgeous Jenbel .

    Action Step(s):

    Please let me know if you can make the first SQT-announced LON SIN Do (they're the best outside SIN and DPS , at least until the ORD SIN Do comes to pass: what say you, cawhite? MovieMan? ).

    Please PM me before 5:30 pm on Saturday the 25th with your contact details (e.g., mobile number) so I can let you know where the group members are during the night. Hope to see you.

    Special go to SQFAN for being unavailable, jhm for being in my favorite city that weekend, and MAN Flyer for having too much of a life to come join us.
    Last edited by jjpb3; 24 November 2006, 08:23 AM.