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CGK visit = LON SIN Do

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  • AJLondon
    Originally posted by SQflyergirl View Post
    I think i heard that before.... somewhere in the midwest IIRC..........
    I couldn't possible comment.

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  • SQflyergirl
    Originally posted by AJLondon View Post

    So one of my favourite quotes was: "I'm a blow-and-go kind of girl."
    I think i heard that before.... somewhere in the midwest IIRC..........

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  • AJLondon
    Originally posted by jjpb3 View Post
    In the course of the martini- and champagne-fueled conversation, very interesting quotable quotes came up. But I'm barred from revealing them
    I'm glad I wasn't barred.

    So one of my favourite quotes was: "I'm a blow-and-go kind of girl."

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  • jjpb3
    A quick report on the Do (Part 2)


    Soon I (being an old man who had to work the following day) was nodding off, despite the excellent conversation (hooray, dishing and gossip! ), and we went down to the lobby to wait for the cabs that AJLondon ordered for us. I napped during that time (see? age!), which made me miss the scene where the tw*t manning the reception desk warned CGK that he would have to ask us to step out because we weren't guests at the hotel. (I didn't learn about this until this morning, so I couldn't flash some Noo Yawk attitude.)

    But fortunately, the cabs did turn up, we all went our ways, and LON SIN Do VI* proved to be a happy continuation of the fab series of experiences called LON SIN Do's.

    Now, don't you wish you were there?**

    * I know I originally suggested "CGK Post-India" as the nickname for this Do, but I think it should be renamed "SQ meets BA". As Jenbel commented (this is my recollection, so subject to recall bias), "Hmmm, BA meets SQ [she got the order wrong, bless her]: that sounds like a very dangerous thing."

    ** To see some of what you missed, here are some pictures :
    Last edited by jjpb3; 26 November 2006, 08:29 PM.

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  • jjpb3
    A quick report on the Do (Part 1)

    Here's a quick rundown on the Do so y'all can find out what we were up to :

    The Do kicked off at the increasingly-favoured venue for pre-dinner drinks: the Mandarin Oriental at Knightsbridge. AJLondon was there first, but Lobster and I soon followed. The place was packed, but we managed to find a stand-up table to support the first round of drinks (watermelon martinis for AJLondon and me, some strawberry and champagne concoction for Lobster, who admitted he was going to be difficult and ask to see the drinks menu). Much missed: another episode of CGK and MovieMan spilling drinks on innocent onlookers as they give each other a welcome hug.

    Soon cawhite joined us, to be followed by CGK and Jenbel (who, by the way, has NOT registered at SQT, so if you would like to put some gentle pressure her way by PMing her over at TOF, please do). In the course of the martini- and champagne-fueled conversation, very interesting quotable quotes came up. But I'm barred from revealing them, in case it would be too easy to find the guilty party who uttered them.

    We split into two groups. One (cawhite, Jenbel, AJLondon) went to Brick Lane for some London curry. Another went to meet guttorm for dinner at Shanghai Blues. We were really late, partly because we had overstayed at the MO, but also partly because the cab driver had not heard of the restaurant, and I had neglected to remember the cross-street (or was that the watermelon martinis' effect? Hmmm...). Fortunately, guttorm is a very patient man, and the restaurant has much less attitude than Hakkasan. No problem with being nearly half an hour late, and they didn't try to kick us out of our table when we lingered for dessert, cognac, coffee and tea.

    Good dining followed -- accompanied, of course, by scintillating conversation -- then we all (well, minus Lobster ) met up again at cawhite's suite at the Sheraton Belgravia (increasingly the post-dinner venue for LON SIN Do's when cawhite and her *wood Platinum card wield their power). Three bottles of champagne waited to be chilled, which took some time, because the staff had to be reminded of the request for ice and six champagne glasses. But all was forgiven because the staff member took a group picture that didn't turn out that badly.

    (Sorry, have to split this post into two because of the image limitations on the website )
    Last edited by jjpb3; 26 November 2006, 08:41 PM.

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  • CGK
    Paging guttorm,
    When will you arrive at LHR?

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  • CGK
    But it happens, my dear. Luckily I have those love ones who push me forward...

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  • AJLondon
    Originally posted by CGK View Post
    Thanks for the update. But I see that the flyer who rejected my "propose" while back is not listed for drinkies. I thought he wants to see the picture of my heart broken...
    Anybody who dared to reject you must be an absolute twat! Send him over and I'll give him a right spanking.

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  • CGK
    Originally posted by jjpb3 View Post
    First post updated with post-dinner drinkies details.
    Thanks for the update. But I see that the flyer who rejected my "propose" while back is not listed for drinkies. I thought he wants to see the picture of my heart broken...

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  • jjpb3
    First post updated with post-dinner drinkies details.

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  • cawhite
    Originally posted by CGK View Post
    Another reminder, there is still need to find 'the one' for me in terms of CBL.

    Best regards and big hugs from SQ11 LAX-NRT. The usual routine: 3F and screaming peter's name while passing above Santa Barbara.

    PS: Do you want layered cake? Oh also should we do drinks in your suite till wee hours? Will buy champagne from Changi DFS.
    I'm sure you had a wonderful flight!!!

    No worries about the cake - I picked up one a couple weeks ago. But thank you so much for remembering!!!!

    My room's fine (unless someone else has something more spacious) I'll try to remember to pick up a bottle or two from DF at ORD as well.

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    Originally posted by jjpb3 View Post

    Special go to SQFAN for being unavailable.
    So sorry things eventually turned out, my bro is coming to visit me that weekend.

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  • CGK
    Originally posted by cawhite View Post
    Now I know what you meant about finding the one And I will NEVER forget the look on MovieMan's (aka SQPB) face
    Another reminder, there is still need to find 'the one' for me in terms of CBL.

    Best regards and big hugs from SQ11 LAX-NRT. The usual routine: 3F and screaming peter's name while passing above Santa Barbara.

    PS: Do you want layered cake? Oh also should we do drinks in your suite till wee hours? Will buy champagne from Changi DFS.

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  • cawhite
    Originally posted by CGK View Post
    Lost? It must be my anti-malaria pill that making me not getting lost. (Hint: lunch fish and chips, I showed you the magazines that should be delivered to MovieMan ... )
    Now I know what you meant about finding the one And I will NEVER forget the look on MovieMan's (aka SQPB) face

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  • CGK
    Originally posted by cawhite View Post
    I'm lost...but I'm certain more than one person around here won't be
    Originally posted by AJLondon View Post
    I'm sooooo lost now! Waiting for CGK to set me right...!
    Lost? It must be my anti-malaria pill that making me not getting lost. (Hint: lunch fish and chips, I showed you the magazines that should be delivered to MovieMan ... )

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