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Help - my mobile phone is on the fritz!!

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  • Help - my mobile phone is on the fritz!!

    I thought I'd turn to the brainy guys and girls of SQTalk for assistance with resolving a very perplexing problem with my mobile/cell phone.

    I've been getting identical SMSes repeatedly from a friend - like 6-8 times a day. This started when he sent me a 'welcome home' message upon my arrival in Sydney on Saturday, and since then I've received the exact same message repeatedly. In the same duration I've been missing some of the messages he's actually sent.

    We've both spoken to our telcos, but even they couldn't offer adequate advice on how to resolve the issue. Meanwhile I've had to turn off my phone completely when I'm in bed to avoid being woken up by the SMSes (even the vibrations in silent mode wake me up).

    Is anyone here able to shed some light into the matter?

    All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.

  • #2
    I'm afraid I can not help but have had the same problem a couple of times myself with different phones. But I have never found a solution suddenly it just stopped.


    • #3
      Sounds interesting
      Sorry- can't help there. Probably it would help if your friend got a new sim-card. Do you know if the SMSes show up on his bills?

      Probably it would also help to ask your phone company to clean the cache where your SMSes are saved while your mobile phone is switched off
      Capslock is cruise control for cool... not!

      See you at W:O:A 2010- rain or shine!


      • #4
        Originally posted by KeithMEL View Post
        I've been getting identical SMSes repeatedly from a friend - like 6-8 times a day.
        HUGE AL has been getting the same from you since you were in LA.
        HUGE AL


        • #5
          Looks like the solution is to wait for it all to stop.

          Originally posted by HUGE AL View Post
          HUGE AL has been getting the same from you since you were in LA.
          Ah yes I like sending orders from afar....
          Last edited by KeithMEL; 4 March 2008, 05:43 AM.
          All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.


          • #6
            BTW, you owe me $7 for my SMS bill...but I'll settle for a bottle of Krug...
            HUGE AL


            • #7
              The problem actually lies in your friend's mobile and not yours. This is a known mobile phone virus (albiet an old one) and requires a reflashing of the phone OS.


              • #8
                Originally posted by SuperJonJon View Post
                The problem actually lies in your friend's mobile and not yours. This is a known mobile phone virus (albiet an old one) and requires a reflashing of the phone OS.
                Damn Blackberry!
                HUGE AL


                • #9
                  SuperJonJon - thanks for the tip! I was going to relay what you posted to him but it seems that the problem has now resolved itself. The offending SMS has stopped sending itself, and I ended up getting all the messages I'd missed all at once.

                  However next time I'd know what's going on.
                  All opinions shared are my own, and are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organisation of which I'm affiliated to.

