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USA Visa with NSEERS Registrant stamp on the Passport

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  • USA Visa with NSEERS Registrant stamp on the Passport

    Dear All...
    It's been a while since my last trip to USA, last time was 2005.
    I've been told that individual that required visa to enter USA and when enter USA, his/her passport gets NSEERS Registrant and FIN No. stamp, must report to the imigration officer when he/she leaves USA.
    Is that true?
    I have that stamp on my passport also FIN No., but at that time, no one from the imigration told me to do so! And offcourse I didn't report to any one, just cecked in, went to the lounge and then boarded to the plane.
    Now I'm going to USA again next month, and it's make me very worry!
    Is there any one here have similar experience like me?
    Thanks a lot guys...

  • #2
    As long as you returned the stub from your I-94 (white) arrival form when you left, you should be OK.

    If you hadn't, you should return it ASAP with an explanation letter and a photocopy of your departing BP to

    P.O. Box 7125
    London, KY 40742-7125
    USA .

    Then bring proof that you had been in the US after your departure date (e.g., paystub, receipts of expenditures, etc.). Needless to say, keep a copy of all correspondence and proof that you send.
    ‘Lean into the sharp points’


    • #3
      Originally posted by Dent@SUB View Post
      Dear All...
      It's been a while since my last trip to USA, last time was 2005.
      I've been told that individual that required visa to enter USA and when enter USA, his/her passport gets NSEERS Registrant and FIN No. stamp, must report to the imigration officer when he/she leaves USA.
      Is that true?
      I have that stamp on my passport also FIN No., but at that time, no one from the imigration told me to do so! And offcourse I didn't report to any one, just cecked in, went to the lounge and then boarded to the plane.
      Now I'm going to USA again next month, and it's make me very worry!
      Is there any one here have similar experience like me?
      Thanks a lot guys...
      Originally posted by jjpb3 View Post
      As long as you returned the stub from your I-94 (white) arrival form when you left, you should be OK.

      If you hadn't, you should return it ASAP with an explanation letter and a photocopy of your departing BP to

      ACS – INS SBU
      P.O. Box 7125
      London, KY 40742-7125
      USA .

      Then bring proof that you had been in the US after your departure date (e.g., paystub, receipts of expenditures, etc.). Needless to say, keep a copy of all correspondence and proof that you send.
      I think the OP has different situation. I-94 (white) is the normal one for everyone who needs visa to he US. But according to the OP post, he has some kind of file case. I remember year ago after 9-11, anyone from certain countries who at that time in the US as student or H1-B visa older must report to the INS (boder protection now). Then, each person has a file number (FIN ???).
      So every time this person leaves the US, he/she must report to the immigration desk to inform them officially that he/she will leave the US.

      I remember vividly someone mentioned to me the reason why flying out of JFK on SQ: the immigration office to report for this file case is only in T4 JFK. Thus if flying LH, he/she has to take a train ride to T4 back and forth.

      But of course, I am not 100% sure about this, since I am not a legal expert . But yeah, sounds like the OP has something different than just the plain US visa.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jjpb3 View Post
        As long as you returned the stub from your I-94 (white) arrival form when you left, you should be OK.

        If you hadn't, you should return it ASAP with an explanation letter and a photocopy of your departing BP to

        ACS – INS SBU
        P.O. Box 7125
        London, KY 40742-7125
        USA .

        Then bring proof that you had been in the US after your departure date (e.g., paystub, receipts of expenditures, etc.). Needless to say, keep a copy of all correspondence and proof that you send.
        Dear jjpb3...
        I remembered the lady at CX Biz class check in desk took a paper from my passport and said to me "This is for the imigration, so they know you are leaving this country".
        I'm not sure.... is this that kind of paper you meant?
        It's back to 2005... I've forgot a lot about that time also all the ticket and BP... only remember that conversation, because that was the first time for me leaving a country without imigration procedures.
        Now I'm worry...

        Originally posted by SQ LPP View Post
        I think the OP has different situation. I-94 (white) is the normal one for everyone who needs visa to he US. But according to the OP post, he has some kind of file case. I remember year ago after 9-11, anyone from certain countries who at that time in the US as student or H1-B visa older must report to the INS (boder protection now). Then, each person has a file number (FIN ???).
        So every time this person leaves the US, he/she must report to the immigration desk to inform them officially that he/she will leave the US.

        I remember vividly someone mentioned to me the reason why flying out of JFK on SQ: the immigration office to report for this file case is only in T4 JFK. Thus if flying LH, he/she has to take a train ride to T4 back and forth.

        But of course, I am not 100% sure about this, since I am not a legal expert . But yeah, sounds like the OP has something different than just the plain US visa.
        Dear SQ LPP...
        That's the think that worried me now....
        What will happen next month when I arrive at PHL...... another interogation may be?
        After leaving US on 2005, I've been travelling quite a lot... several times to Europe, etc... which's shown on my passport along with several Schengen visa. May be that can help my argument with them....
        My visa are B1-B2 regular non-imigrant visa, 5 years validity, multy entries.
        With the famous USA imigration hasle..... this realy give me headache...

        Really appreciate any other input for my case...
        Thanks guys...


        • #5
          Ok, my guess is that your I-94 was taken away when you left in 2005.
          My question is that: "Are you one of those visa holders that had to report to INS and had a file case?"
          If this is the case, when you left the US in 2005, you had to submit that I-94 (which was collected by the check-in lady) as well as made a report to immigration office (INS office).
          Most probably when you arrive in PHL this time, you will have to do secondary check.


          • #6
            Originally posted by SQ LPP View Post
            Ok, my guess is that your I-94 was taken away when you left in 2005.
            My question is that: "Are you one of those visa holders that had to report to INS and had a file case?"
            If this is the case, when you left the US in 2005, you had to submit that I-94 (which was collected by the check-in lady) as well as made a report to immigration office (INS office).
            Most probably when you arrive in PHL this time, you will have to do secondary check.
            Dear SQ LPP...
            I think I'm on the condition that must report when leave because of NSEERS Registrant stamp and the FIN No. on my passport. Just realized this recently.
            I still dunno, why Imigration officer at DFW at that time told me nothing about this after he interviewed me and took my pict and fingers print for almost 1 hour (may be I was some kind of celebrity at that time ).
            Hope next time at PHL just another secondary check just like you said.... not denied to enter...
            Hope I can make an argument with them that was not my fault, because when I arrived at DFW, nobody told me to report .....
            And also when I left from JFK T7 with CX, also no one told me or remind me about the report duty...

            Thanks mate...

            btw, anyother input for me??


            • #7
              When you get the stamp and file case, you should know or you should have read what you have to do. I don't think it's the fault of immigration officer at DFW who did not tell you about it when entering the US.


              • #8
                Never had to do it, but google turned up and


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SQ LPP View Post
                  When you get the stamp and file case, you should know or you should have read what you have to do. I don't think it's the fault of immigration officer at DFW who did not tell you about it when entering the US.
                  Silly me... That was the first time I went to US, so I thought it was a normal procedure to enter US, being registered and took fingers print....
                  Never thought that was another procedure to leave US, since that was no paper or booklet given to me stated that except that part or imigration paper that I filled onboard.
                  Silly me.... this is a hard lesson for me...
                  Thanks SQ LPP

                  Originally posted by Savage25 View Post
                  Thanks Savage25...
                  Reading those articles make me more worry...
                  Hope I can clear it with them at PHL later....
                  Just wish I'm not on "denied to enter" status....

                  Thanks guys...


                  • #10
                    just have a look again on my passport. There is only 2 stamps stated exactly like these: "NSEERS Registrant" (without any number, only that 2 words) and "FIN No.: xxxxxxxx".
                    (FIN=Fingerprint Indentification Number). Only that two stamps.
                    There's no words like "alien registration number " or any other number on my passport as stated on page 3. (thanks Savage25 for the link...)
                    Is there make any differences on my case?
                    Thanks guys for any input.....
                    Last edited by Dent@SUB; 24 February 2008, 08:23 PM. Reason: correction


                    • #11
                      Latest Update

                      Just came back from US.
                      Wanna update you guys about my case.
                      Yes, NSEERS and FIN No. stamp gave me for sure a secondary inspection at the US imigration.
                      And without departure stamp from my previous visit on my passport, gave me a full and long interview with them.
                      This time they released me with a very strong message: "Must able to report and get a departure stamp on my passport on my departure date. Fail to comply this, will put me on their black list, mean: will be denied to enter US again".
                      Hope anyone with the same case with me know how to deal with them next time.


                      • #12
                        Dent@SUB, I'm on the same boat. There's nothing to worry about. I forgot to register my departure once and I haven't had any problems. Just don't forget to register when you leave next time. Once you're in the program, there's no way out unless you get a green card or US citizenship.

