So, what do you Singaporeans and other Asians think of it ?. 
I went to see it last night and have to say I enjoyed it. I am obviously helped more than the average Ang Moh in that I know Singapore rather well having been travelling there for many years but it was funny to see how many of the audience up here also found parts of it funny. I noticed that the aircraft at the end was SQ colours but not named as SQ. Did they miss a product placement opportunity there or did they decide they didn't want anything to do with it ?.

I went to see it last night and have to say I enjoyed it. I am obviously helped more than the average Ang Moh in that I know Singapore rather well having been travelling there for many years but it was funny to see how many of the audience up here also found parts of it funny. I noticed that the aircraft at the end was SQ colours but not named as SQ. Did they miss a product placement opportunity there or did they decide they didn't want anything to do with it ?.
